Dear Readers--
Well, AN ECHO IN THE BONE debuts on the New York Times list next week at #2! (My publisher sent me a large bottle of single-malt Scotch in congratulation--and, I suspect, in apology for having released Dan Brown's book a week before ECHO [g].)
HUGE thanks to all of you, and I'm thrilled that y'all seem to be enjoying the book!
A word about the ending...I did say, did I not, "Nobody's going to hit the end of _this_ book, and think it's the last one?" [g] Indeed it is not. There will certainly be a Book Eight--and no, I have no idea when that one will be out. At the moment, I'm home on a (very brief) furlough from book-touring; back on the road Monday, and won't be home for good until Thanksgiving, which is the soonest I could reasonably resume anything like a productive writing routine--as well as a prequel volume about Jamie's parents, a Volume II of the OUTLANDISH COMPANION, and heaven knows what-all else. But the story is definitely not over!