OK, I have _no_ idea what I'm doing here, none. As part of the promotion for ECHO, though, Borders asked me if I'd come talk to people during a two-hour online chat thingie on their Facebook page next Tuesday. "Sure," I said--despite the fact that I've never been on Facebook in my life, have no idea how to get there, nor yet what to do when I _am_ there. But following initial advice from Youngest Daughter (who certainly _does_ know all about Facebook, and a good thing, too...), I created a "Celebrity" page, as well as making an individual account (which the Random House publicist said I'd need in order to do the chat on Tuesday).
So I did, and pretty darn confusing it is, though I imagine things will become clearer as I muddle around in it. I did somehow manage to link the page to this blog--thought I'd mention it in case any of y'all wondered what the heck that "Fan box" is doing there.
I'll try to put some actual content on said page, as soon as I figure out how to do that...so if there's anything you'd like to see there, let me know!
Hi Diana,
ReplyDeleteI am not a big fan of facebook and prefer to interact with authors that I follow in their blogs or websites. I know a lot of people do all of these other sites (Myspace, Twitter...) but at some point it all becomes too much.
Sorry I missed the chat, would have loved to participate :(
Awesome, cant wait for the chat. I became a fan on your facebook page :)
ReplyDeleteWell, I just joined and I showed up right next to "Pat" from France who I actually know because of you! :-)
(not as hairy as my Facebook picture)
I must confess - I am a geek. I have a Twitter & Facebook account to go along with numerous blog accounts (to follow not to blog - I'm just not that interesting)
ReplyDeleteI have just "become a fan" on Facebook. If you need help as to how to add content I'd be happy to help as it is really easy once you get the hang of it - it's very user friendly :)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'm a "fan" too! Facebook is actually a pretty nice tool for interacting with people - very user friendly.
ReplyDeleteI was at a Highlands Festival over the weekend and thought of snapping a picture of Clan Fraser for you. Then my husband said, "Yeah, it isn't like she hasn't ever received one of *those* before." Okay, so he is probably right... :)
Can't wait until Tuesday!
Facebook is really a friendly interface and the around 55 middle aged types are really flocking there now, especially women. I think it started with Moms wanting to know what their children were up to!
ReplyDeleteI too am now an "official" fan on facebook! I'd love to see you post photos of your travels and book signings and all things Outlander-related.
ReplyDeleteFantastic! I'm going to go on Facebook right now and become a fan.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy reading blurbs from authors on Facebook, but I still prefer reading their blogs. You get a much fuller picture in blog postings.
This is so awesome. I love how accessible our favorite authors are now with Facebook, Twitter and Blogs. Now, if only you could get your website updated!
ReplyDeleteJust curious - but I thought you already had a page on Facebook. I've been a Facebook Fan of Diana Gabaldon for practically a year. Imposter? Or just one of your helpful PR/web people who were proactive on your behalf and you didn't realize it?
ReplyDeleteHere are the two different pages:
New one - http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=logo#/pages/Diana-Gabaldon/254236750161?ref=sgm
"Old" one - http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=logo#/pages/Diana-Gabaldon/13457201193?ref=sgm
Dear booklover--
ReplyDeleteOh, you haven't missed it--it's next Tuesday (release day! Yay!). It's from noon-2 PM EST, on the Borders Facebook page, but that's all I know about it right now. I'll pose more details when I have them. Hope to see you there!
Lora Dow, same thing here! Diana, would you be so kind as to link us here back to your proper Facebook page so we can become a fan of the real you?
ReplyDeleteDear Lora--
ReplyDeleteEvidently _someone_ had put up a page for me, but hadn't mentioned it to me. [g] I'm much obliged; will have to go check it out a little later.
Lora -
ReplyDeleteI was just about to say the same thing! I've been a "fan" of a Diana Gabaldon page for a few months now...I thought it was just a fan who put the page together. In any case, now we know which page is the "official" one!
facebook is fine, but what happened to your official site? It come up with "Forbidden".
ReplyDeleteI'm so bummed I'm going to miss your facebook chat, but I plan to have my nose firmly imbedded in an Echo in the Bone that day....all day:) Ok, so maybe I'll come up for air long enough to check out the chat. See you there.
ReplyDeleteYAY! I DO use facebook daily so I'll be able to stalk you some more!! ;)
ReplyDeleteDear Diana~
ReplyDeleteWelcome to Facebook! I hesitated joining for a very long time because I already work long days at a computer but, when I did join, it was within minutes that I connected with long lost friends, many of whom I had missed dearly and, up to this point, had no way of finding.
I'll be truly amazed if you can deal with all the contact it opens for you -- of course, you can moderate your page to work however you wish. Whatever happens, it'll be wonderful to have you sharing.
Wahey! Welcome to the highly addictive world of social networking!
I don't know what's the matter with the regular website; I emailed my webmistress about it yesterday, though, so with luck we'll get it fixed soon.
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ReplyDeleteI am so happy that you have a fan page on Facebook :). I just the other day joined a page created by fans, but yours is much better. Its so easy once you get used to it. I'll be looking for updates!
ReplyDeleteI'm only on facebook to keep an eye on my child . . . but I slowly became addicted. Super glad to hear that you (and not someone pretending to be you--there's another "DG" fan page out there) have a "fan" site (page, book, thing). Don't know if the "chat" happened yet but I will check in. Looking forward to "Echo" and Cheers.
Dear All--
ReplyDeleteThe link for the Borders Facebook chat (which happens tomorrow--Tuesday--from 9-11 PDT, is
See you there!
I'm on facebook all the time, but I'm not a fan of Borders on there. I should add them. ^_^
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Borders, I'm leaving (from graduate school classes) in 30 minutes to go there and buy An Echo in the Bone! I'm very excited.
Just don't get started on Farmtown or Pet Society. Yikes. lol They're addictive. lol Enjoy facebook!
ReplyDeleteDiana. I want more closure in Outlanders, Will there be another book in this series?
ReplyDeletetghank you for an answer/ ada
Hi Diana,
ReplyDeleteJust got through with Echo and loved it. I am on bus vacation with my dad and had ample opportunity to read. We visited the Biltmore Estate today in North Carolina, and our journey started in Alvin, Texas. What a wonderful way to fill the miles! I love your dangling storylines an anxiously await the next installment.
Hi Diana,
ReplyDeleteJust finished Echo in the Bone and it was fabulous- I'm going to start over again tonight :)
I am hoping to come and see you in Cambridge (NZ) next month...
If only to put you straight back on the plane so you can keep writing and fix the cliffhangers because I'm worried for the bairns!
_Love_ your work!
Hanh Diana / Hello Diana. I'm not much on photos of me - it's an Indn thing & more so for us Traditionals - so "Face"Book isn't a place I'd ordinarily go. But I'm a read-a-holic & been taken by your Outlander series, so here I am. I blog & am having the devil's own time figuring out the linking thing, so it's comforting to find that someone I relate to is having the same problem. Anyone wanting to help me - you're welcome! You'd be helping a lot of Indns in the process. You describe the living conditions of the 1700s so well - & many of us still live similarly today. Not always by design, but it's too long to go into here. Anyway, your descriptions come alive for me/us & we really relate to your tale. For keeping on with it - Ota pilamiyaye / Many thanks.
ReplyDeletewas on facebook reading the discussions on your page today, when all of the sudden they disappeared! what happened? am in the process of listening to the audio version of echo in the bone, and loving it!
ReplyDeleteMy husband + I are big fans and Echo in the Bone is a Masterpiece! I felt the work that stands behind this latest installment must have be extraordinary. Breath of Snow + Ashes came out at a difficult time in my life(recovering from big surgery) and now to have Echo to enjoy 3 yrs. later provides not only great joy as reader but a reminder that life can also be good at times. Thank you soo very much for keeping all of the minds of the characters alive. I hope we meet someday.Slainte'
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