Just a quick report from the Aberdeen front: The official “live” launch of OUTLANDER: The Musical took place yesterday, as part of the Aberdeen Tartan Day festivities, and a Really Good Time was had by all, or so I’m told. [g]
Here’s the Official Tartan Day Photo (as taken by the Official City of Aberdeen Photographer—meaning it’s in focus) of the scene in St. Nicholas’s Kirk. And here is the link to the slightly less official but very exciting photos taken by Shona Duthie during the performance. (The white-haired gentleman visible in one of these photos is Mike Gibb, the lyricist who wrote the songs.)
I’ve had lovely emails and enthusiastic messages from a number of people who were there, and Mike reports: “Great performances and amazing audience reaction. Quite a few American and Canadians in the audience who were ecstatic about the whole thing. We were basically full for all three performances with SRO at the first.”
I have family visiting, so we celebrated modestly with a bottle (or two) of wine, and I played the songs for the assembled company from my laptop, showing the pictures from Aberdeen. Spontaneous applause, much admiration for Allan’s socks [g] (not sure that the ladies viewing them realized that he’s wearing ghillies with wrapped garters, rather than having a truly eccentric Argyll pattern decorating his ankles—hard to see fine detail on a laptop screen (well, and there was Rather a Lot of wine, too…), and a general hope that he grows his hair out longer before the next appearance. Sue’s and Allan’s vocals hugely enjoyed, and general raising of glasses to Mike, Kevin, and all the performers (being not limited to the actual stage, I could play them the whole song-cycle. We waited until the young men in the party (aged 17 to 26) went off to their own devices before playing “Say the Words” (the duet between Jamie and Black Jack Randall in Wentworth), though.)
Anyway, congratulations to all involved with OUTLANDER: The Musical!
Anyone wanting to check out song samples, or order a CD of the complete song-cycle, can do so here.
And now I must go and start packing for Scotland! So I’ll be scarce online for the next couple of weeks—might manage one more post before I leave-- but will hope to come back with nice pictures.
Congratulations to all involved in the "Outlander The Musical" project! I am quite facinated how "quickly" it came together for public consumption! Bless Michelle and her website making abilities! Looking forward to listening to the entire work once my cd arrives.
ReplyDeleteSafe travels, Diana, I have enjoyed catching up on your blog today and the discusion about reading while writing and the musical. I hope your post-surgery knee endures the stress of travel! Planning to see you again at the National Book Festival!
Thank you for posting pictures of the musical so soon. I would have LOVED to seen it in person but living in Canada I will have to live vicariously through the internet.
ReplyDeleteSeeing the picutres of Allan on stage I think he does make a more believable Jamie than from his headshot. He is definitely 'big' enough for Jamie!
Can't wait to hear reactions from the fans that actually got to see it in person.
I saw it, was my photos (glad people who couldnt come got to see them) I really enjoyed it and have been listening to the CD a lot!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing the photo link. Being from Canada, that's prolly as close as I would get the performances.
ReplyDeleteMy CD is ordered so I can't wait for my own little concert.
Maybe he is sporting the hedgehog look! *G*
ReplyDeleteMike will be sending more professional pictures soon, and hopefully some video!
Travel safe!
I love it! Congratulations to all - this takes hard work, vision, creativity, talent, passion, and bravery. Keep it coming!
ReplyDeleteIs that the Fraser tartan?
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing (hoping) that in the musical, Jamie is not tone deaf....
ReplyDeleteYes the guy who plays him, Allan Scott-Douglas, is a very good singer :)
ReplyDeleteoh man, I so wish I was back in Aberdeen for this. It just looks incredible. Thank you for sharing the pics, and please keep us updated.
ReplyDeleteDear nexus--
ReplyDeleteI don't know, and I doubt the current Frasers do, either. [g]
The thing about tartan patterns is that they're almost _all_ "modern"--as in, made during the 19th century, when the Lowland woolen merchants decided to make hay out of Queen Victoria's romantic attachment to the Highlands.
There are a few scraps of 18th-century tartans still extant, but there was no such thing as an "official" clan tartan. Men living in the same community undoubtedly wore similar setts, because they all got their cloth from the village weaver, who was using the local dye-plants. But Frasers in one spot were not necessarily wearing the same sett--or even the same colors--as Frasers living twenty miles away.
That said, what Allan's wearing there is plainly a modern sett, because you can't get that deep a blue without aniline dye. There are, though, at least a dozen "official" Fraser tartans, and that may well be one of them, for all I know. Then again, it may just be what they could find to fit somebody Allan's size. [g]
Regarding the tartan...I did google "Douglas" tartan and it was very close to what Allan was wearing. (He looks fabulous BTW)
ReplyDeleteSo maybe it was his own personal kilt that he wore?
I love the height difference between "Jamie & Claire" Can't wait for my CD.
Thanks Diana. I can't wait to hear the musical. Enjoy your trip to Scotland!
ReplyDeleteBon Voyage Diana! have fun and bring us back a souvenir [g]
ReplyDeleteI agree with MichellekCanada, Allan looks great in that tartan ^^
The pictures are wonderful and the music is brilliant~
ReplyDeleteHope you have a great trip! Really hope you have better luck with your luggage... didn't go with USAirways, did you? :) Have to tell you, though, I did get a good laugh at your expense. The luggage blog was great~
What absolutely wonderful music!!! I've already ordered the CD and can't wait to hear the whole thing. Someone made a comment on the website that they wanted to jump INTO the music!! Me, too. Have a wonderful trip, but keep writing, tho :) and remember to treat your knee gently. Thanks for the blog reports and for sharing the gifts of your imagination and writing. KC
ReplyDeleteHow very exciting!! I really like the music too.
ReplyDeleteI REALLY want to SEE this!! They really got the musical together quickly!! At least from the time I heard about it :) I am so happy for you Diana, and for Outlander, too!! Such a story that should be told over and over!!!! Bravo!!
ReplyDeleteso when are you going to get your series on BBC, or made into movies?
ReplyDeleteHi Diana, I'm an Irish fan from Galway. Regarding your travel, Air Lingus will take you from Edinburgh/Glasgow to Shannon and via Chicago to Phoenix. Shannon is close to Limerick and it's where Irish coffee was first made for weary travelers!