Dear All--
Many thanks to the dedicated (that sounds so much better than, say, "obsessed," let alone "clinically deranged") souls who did so much in championing me to the first place in the National Book Festival's Favorite Author poll!
I would not, of course, want to be accused of bribery, even _ex post facto_, so I won't say this is a reward for such a gallant effort [g] But as I've been reading these excerpts from Book Eight at the various events this week, I thought it was only fair to share them with those who couldn't make it to one or another of the book-tour appearances.
[Meaning--if you want to avoid excerpts from Book Eight...
Still with me? [g] Well, alrighty, then!
Book Eight excerpt
Copyright 2010 Diana Gabaldon
He must be getting near the end of the tunnel. Jem could tell by the way the air pushed back against his face. All he could see was the little red light on the train's dashboard--did you call it a dashboard on a train? he wondered. He didn't want to stop, because that meant he'd have to get out of the train, into the dark. But the train was running out of track, so there wasn't much else he could do.
He pulled back a little bit on the lever that made the train go, and it slowed down. More. Just a little more, and the lever clicked into a kind of slot and the train stopped with a little jerk that made him stumble and grab the edge of the cab.
An electric train didn't make any engine noise, but the wheels rattled on the track and the train made squeaks and clunks as it moved. When it stopped, the noise stopped too. It was really quiet.
"Hey!" he said out loud, because he didn't want to listen to his heart beating. The sound echoed, and he looked up, startled. Mum had said the tunnel was really high, more than thirty feet, but he'd forgot that. The idea that there was a lot of empty space hanging over him that he couldn't see bothered him a lot. He swallowed, and stepped out of the tiny engine, holding on to the frame with one hand.
"Hey!" he shouted at the invisible ceiling. "Are there any bats up there?"
Silence. He'd kind of been hoping there were bats. He wasn't afraid of them--there were bats in the old broch, and he liked to sit and watch them come out to hunt in the summer evenings. But he was alone. Except for the dark.
His hands were sweating. He let go of the metal cab and scrubbed both hands on his jeans. Now he could hear himself breathing, too.
"Crap," he whispered under his breath. That made him feel better, so he said it again. Maybe he ought to be praying, instead, but he didn't feel like that, not yet.
There was a door, Mum said. At the end of the tunnel. It led into the service chamber, where the big turbines could be lifted up from the dam if they needed fixing. Would the door be locked?
Suddenly he realized that he'd stepped away from the train and he didn't know whether he was facing the end of the tunnel or back the way he'd come. In a panic, he blundered to and fro, hands out, looking for the train. He tripped over part of the track and fell sprawling. He lay there for a second saying "Crap-crap-crap-crap-crap!" because he'd skinned both knees and the palm of his hand, but he was OK, really, and now he knew where the track was, so he could follow it and not get lost.
He got up, wiped his nose, and shuffled slowly along, kicking the track every few steps to be sure he stayed with it. He thought he was in front of where the train had stopped, so it didn't really matter which way he was going--either he'd find the train or he'd find the end of the tunnel. And then the door. If it was locked, maybe--
Something like an electric shock ran right through him. He gasped and fell over backward. The only thing in his mind was the idea that somebody had hit him with a light-sabre like Luke Skywalker's, and for a minute, he though maybe whoever it was had cut off his head.
He couldn't feel his body, and could see in his mind his body lying bleeding in the dark and his head sitting right there on the train tracks in the dark, not being able to see his body and not even knowing it wasn't attached anymore. He made a breathless kind of a noise that was trying to be a scream, but it made his stomach move and he felt that, he felt it, and suddenly he felt a lot more like praying.
"Gratia...Deo!" he managed to gasp. It was what Grand-da said when he talked about a fight or killing something and this wasn't quite that sort of thing, but it seemed like a good thing to say anyway.
Now he could feel all of himself again, but he sat up and grabbed his neck, just to be sure his head was still on. His skin was jumping in the weirdest way. Like a horse's does when a horse-fly bites it, but all over. He swallowed and tasted sugared silver and he gasped again, because now he knew what had hit him. Sort of.
This wasn't quite like it had been, when they'd all walked into the rocks on Ocracoke. One minute, he'd been in his father's arms and the next minute it was like he was scattered everywhere in little wiggly pieces like the spilled quicksilver in Grannie's surgery. Then he was back together again, and Da was still holding him tight enough to squeeze his breath out and he could hear Da sobbing and that scared him and he had a funny taste in his mouth and little pieces of him were still wiggling around trying to get away but they were trapped inside his skin...
Yeah. That was what was making his skin jump now, and he breathed easier, knowing what it was. That was OK, then, he was OK, it would stop.
It was stopping already, the twitchy feeling going away. He still felt a little shaky, but he stood up. Careful, because he didn't know where it was.
Wait...he did know. He knew exactly.
"That's weird," he said, out loud without really noticing, because he wasn't scared by the dark anymore, it wasn't important.
He couldn't really see it, not with his eyes, not exactly. He squinted, trying to think how he was seeing it, but there wasn't a word for what he was doing. Kind of like hearing or smelling or touching, but not really any of those.
But he knew where it was. It was right there, a kind the air, and when he stared at it, he had a feeling in the back of his mind like really pretty sparkly things, like sun on the sea and the way a candle-flame looked when it shone through a ruby, but he knew he wasn't really seeing anything like that.
It went all the way across the tunnel, and up to the high roof, too, he could tell. But it wasn't thick at all, it was thin as air.
He guessed that was why it hadn't swallowed him like the thing in the rocks on Ocracoke had. At least...he thought it hadn't, and for an instant, worried that maybe he'd gone sometime else. But he didn't think so. The tunnel felt just the same, and so did he, now his skin had stopped jumping. When they'd done it, on Ocracoke, he'd known right away it was different.
He stood there for a minute, just looking and thinking, and then shook his head and turned around, feeling with his foot for the track. He wasn't going back through that, no matter what. He'd just have to hope the door wasn't locked.
[end section]
Book Eight Excerpt
Copyright 2010 Diana Gabaldon
He’d been quite resigned to dying. Had expected it from the moment that he’d blurted out, “I have had carnal knowledge of your wife.” The only question in his mind had been whether Fraser would shoot him, stab him, or eviscerate him with his bare hands.
To have the injured husband regard him calmly, and say merely, “Oh? Why?” was not merely unexpected, but…infamous. Absolutely infamous.
"Why?" John Grey repeated, incredulous. "Did you say 'Why'?"
"I did. And I should appreciate an answer."
Now that Grey had both eyes open, he could see that Fraser's outward calm was not quite so impervious as he'd first supposed. There was a pulse beating in Fraser’s temple, and he'd shifted his weight a little, like a man might do in the vicinity of a tavern brawl, not quite ready to commit violence, but readying himself to meet it. Perversely, Grey found this sight steadying.
"What do you bloody mean, 'why'?" he said, suddenly irritated. "And why aren't you fucking dead?"
"I often wonder that myself," Fraser replied politely. "I take it ye thought I was?"
"Yes, and so did your wife! Do you have the faintest idea what the knowledge of your death did to her?"
The dark blue eyes narrowed just a trifle.
"Are ye implying that the news of my death deranged her to such an extent that she lost her reason and took ye to her bed by force? Because," he went on, neatly cutting off Grey's heated reply, "unless I've been seriously misled regarding your own nature, it would take substantial force to compel ye to any such action. Or am I wrong?"
The eyes stayed narrow. Grey stared back at them. Then he closed his eyes briefly and rubbed both hands hard over his face, like a man waking from nightmare. He dropped his hands and opened his eyes again.
"You are not misled," he said, through clenched teeth. "And you are wrong."
Fraser's ruddy eyebrows shot up--in genuine astonishment, he thought.
"Ye went to her because—from desire?" His voice rose, too. "And she let ye? I dinna believe it."
The color was creeping up Fraser's tanned neck, vivid as a climbing rose. Grey had seen that happen before, and decided recklessly that the best--the only--defense was to lose his own temper first. It was a relief.
"We thought you were dead, you bloody arsehole!" he said, furious. "Both of us! Dead! And we--we--took too much to drink one night--very much too much...we spoke of you...and... Damn you, neither one of us was making love to the other--we were fucking you!"
Fraser's face went abruptly blank and his jaw dropped. Grey enjoyed one split-second of satisfaction at the sight, before a massive fist came up hard beneath his ribs and he hurtled backward, staggered a few steps further, and fell. He lay in the leaves, completely winded, mouth opening and closing like an automaton's.
All right, then, he thought dimly. Bare hands it is.
The hands wrapped themselves in his shirt and jerked him to his feet. He managed to stand, and a wisp of air seeped into his lungs. Fraser's face was an inch from his. Fraser was in fact so close that he couldn't see the man's expression--only a close-up view of two bloodshot blue eyes, both of them berserk. That was enough. He felt quite calm now. It wouldn't take long.
"You tell me exactly what happened, ye filthy wee pervert," Fraser whispered, his breath hot on Grey's face and smelling of ale. He shook Grey slightly. "Every word. Every motion. Everything."
Grey got just enough breath to answer.
"No," he said definitely. "Go ahead and kill me."
[end section]
YES!!!! Thanks so much! Love it! I love John too by the way don't stop writing about him ... unless you want to LOL
oh my!! I am picking up my copy of the graphic novel tomorrow and I just absolutely cannot wait for book 8.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing, you made a frazzled mom of four's day!
LOVE it! Thank you...just what I needed today! And can't wait for Amazon to deliver my copy of the Exile.
ReplyDeleteThat whets the appetite, I just knew that Jamie would hit him first and ask questions later,he knows what's his and is a jealous man. Now reason will prevail, he will listen if Lord John can bring himself to tell...but gentleman that he is, he will probably defer to Claire...
ReplyDeleteThanks Diana, I needed that
Was great to see you last night at the Tattered Cover!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh. God.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the excerpts, I thought the only really good thing to happen today would be the season premiere of Grey's Anatomy. I'm happy to have my suspicions confirmed regarding Jem's 'extra-sensory' abilities regarding the stones.
This has nothing to do with the post, but I wanted to let you know that I read the Exile and thought it was fantastic. I'm normally not interested whatsoever in graphic novels, but the artistry blew me away (not to mention the additions to the plot line woven in). I'm starting to babble, but I just wanted to tell you how much I thoroughly enjoyed it, and hope that there will eventually be another installment. Preferably one with Roger front and centre as well... He'd look very fine in graphic novel form, indeed :D
your books are a calm in my storm of a life. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
ReplyDelete"ye filthy wee pervert" is classic Jamie. LOVED The Exile. I will be there to see you next month in Charleston, WV. Can't wait!
ReplyDeleteThank you, thank you! Lord John is great. Can't wait for book eight!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! Jem in that tunnel has been killing me!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Diana,I've had a bad day and you've just made it better with your Jamie drip feed.
ReplyDeleteOh Diana~ Thanks! The scene with Jamie and Lord John is fantastic! Perfect.
ReplyDeleteAwesome teaser! Jamie's physical reaction to Lord John's confession was what I was expecting instead of the infamous "why" - loved it and can't wait to read how you resolve it all!
ReplyDeleteLoved The Exile but devoured it too fast and now I'm back to anticipation of the next book! Hope you're finding time to write while doing all this touring, and yet fitting in reading 20 or so books a month! You are amazing.
Thank you for posting this! I'm planning on going to the Festival on Sat., will you have lots of copies of The Exile on sale down in DC, or should I purchase a copy at my local bookstore instead to be sure I get one in case you're sold out? What would be the best thing to do?
ReplyDeleteThank you Diana so much for excerpts, I am relieve that Lord John is still alive...but it was great last night at Highland Ranch Tattered Cover to listen your voice, when you read it.
ReplyDeleteAlso thanks again for signet my Czech copy of Outlander and The Exile,which is absolutely fascinating
Thank you once more, Diana! I truly thought Jem would go back then, but it is always good to know a set of stones are so near (he isn't out of trouble yet, I see--and you are Captain Jack Randall, after all LOL).
ReplyDeleteAnd of course John would be honest with Jamie and Jamie would use his heart says this is not the end of their friendship.
However, you have the decided knack of knowing just exactly when to stop an excerpt in order for it to have the maximum "whet the appetite for more" effect.
I'm anxiously awaiting my signed copy of The Exile from Poisoned Pen, and already hope that it too will be followed by more volumes telling Jamie's POV.
Face it, your writing is manna to the soul ;-)
Squee!!! The excerpts are coming! Does that mean we have a potential release date? I so can't wait.
ReplyDeleteAwww...damn. Love the excerpts, but oh, I so want the whole book. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThat was so good, Diana, thank you!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, these excerpts are great! Thanks, DG.
ReplyDeleteJust back from a lovely event in Kansas City--and room service was still open, so life is good. [g]
ReplyDeleteOff to Washington DC tomorrow! I do have some CDs left, so will bring them with me on Saturday (if the staff says I can't sell them, of course I won't, but otherwise, I'll just have them with me--either catch me after the talk, or ask at the signing--$15, and I can make change to a limited extent. [g]).
As for books, there will be a big booksellers' tent there, which will have copies of THE EXILE, but I have no idea how many (the last time I did the BOok FEstival, they did sell out of my books, but no telling how much they'll stock this time), and I have heard that the lines can be long in that tent, since they're carrying books for _all_ the authors there. So you might want to buy it elsewhere and bring it along--don't know what might be more convenient for you.
See y'all there!
Diana, if you're feeling really generous to your poor Outlander-starved fans, it would be wonderful to get a peek of the Jaime-Claire conversation on the topic of relations with Lord John.
ReplyDeleteTravel safely!
Thank you Diana!! I love your teasers...and am anxiously waiting for the full book. Although when I do get my hands on it, very little else will get done around my house until I finish reading it. Fortunately, or not, I have time to get my crap super-organized before then ;) Have fun on your tour!
ReplyDelete(I am trying to be good & am putting The Exile on my Christmas list to give to my kids, number 1 spot of course!)
Is Claire still fertile......?
ReplyDeleteThank you for the excerpt! But it's like handing someone a bag of chips & tell them "You can only have One!" *LOL*
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you for the warning; by now the Echoe has been translated & released in Swedish & I gulped it down in only a few days. I think my kids learned to cook that week... ;)
Dear Anonymous--
ReplyDeleteNo, Claire certainly isn't fertile at this point.
You are awesomeness on a Friday!!! Wheww.... what a story. Thanks so much, and have a great weekend...
ReplyDeleteOh how we love you so! What a treat. Perfect & creative similes in the Jem portion - light sabre/horse flies/quicksilver - those are things that especially a child would notice and compare the sensations to. You have such a gift for voices/pov. And (of course) you brought Jamie & John right to life in the second. So glad to "know" they're still carrying on while we wait for the next book!
ReplyDeleteI just got my Exile last night. What a treat. I really enjoyed learning more about Jamie's feelings & motivations at that early stage and how they relate to the rest of the stories.
Bravo! Wooo-hooo! Can't wait for more!
Thanks, for that. I loved it.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see you at the National Book Festival tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteMy copy of The Exhile arrived yesterday - GORGEOUS! It's wonderful to get a glimpse of what was happening outside of Claire's POV.
I hope you have CD's available tomorrow as the music is so lovely!
What delicious excerpts! Jem's got his Grand-Da's knack for staying calm at all times. I think I'd be in a bit of a panic in such a situation! I'm trying to convince my boyfriend to take me to the National Book Festival tomorrow. Telling him that all the ladies will fawn over his red hair didn't seem to do the trick so I'm working on a new strategy to break the stubbornness. So HOPING to see you tomorrow! ;-)
ReplyDeleteSo excited to hear you will bringing a few cds along! I can't wait to listen to it in full.
My husband, on the other hand, is not sure he is so excited about listening to it (over and over) during the 3 hour drive home.
Travel safely.
Ha! He cracked. The new strategy went a little like this "I told Diana Gabaldon that you wouldn't let me come." "What? That sounds horrible!" "Yes, don't you feel horrible?!"
ReplyDeleteHe did. I win. See you tomorrow :-)
AH! Book 8 is too far away. And look at you torturing us. THANK YOU! *lol* That was great. I also love that John doesn't want to reveal details. Gentlemanly.
ReplyDeleteCannot wait for the next book! Thank you so much for the excerpts! That was the best birthday present a girl could ask for :)
ReplyDeleteWow, what an absolute treat to come here and read those excerpts! I can't wait for book 8. I am currently re-reading the series -- about to pick up An Echo in the Bone -- and should receive my copy of The Exile in the mail tomorrow, so I am knee deep in all this and loving it all over again! Thanks for posting the excerpts! I hope your book tour is going well and that you are finding time to enjoy yourself.
ReplyDeleteDiana! Loved the excerpts! Thank you for the gifts! Ah, today's errand is off to treat self to The Exile! Thank you for the many hours of laughs, surprises, fun, horror, and sexy times! Yay!
ReplyDeleteYour writing inspires me to be funny, fun, sexy, surprising - and, yah, horrible, too!
Kitty, San Diego
Thank You Ms.DG!
ReplyDeleteRumor has it, book 8th won't come out until 2013? Please say it ain't so..
I was so excited to hear more from Jamie and Lord John that I forget to comment about Jem in the tunnel.
ReplyDeleteSo now not only do Jem and Amanda have an awareness of one another when apart, Jem now has this new awareness of time and place....does this mean that if both parents are travelers that the children are endowed with other 'talents' in addition to the ability to move through time?
I'll be wondering until #8 is written...perhaps Jem can now go back and forth and have the best of both worlds...thanks Diana, I love it
Dear Diana,
ReplyDeletetoday I've got my"Exile".
I loved it but I wished it was 1000 pages more. Maybe after publishing Book 8 you could find time to start the next GN.
Thanks a lot for the excerpts , they're great!
Best wishes,
Fantastic! Thank you very much for these excerpts!:) Hope you are having a good tour around with the Exile launch.Take care! :)
ReplyDeleteHi Diana, got Exile and really loved it, my first graphic novel ever!
ReplyDeleteBut what I'm still smiling over is that on the long ride home today I was listening to Bad Blood by John Sandford (his latest) and he mentions your name! Virgil Flowers is questioning someone and when he leaves she goes back to "reading her book by Diana Gabaldon" - OMG! To be written into a John Sandford novel - that's just awesome! I know you've gotten many awards & honors but to me ... that there's a biggie!
Love the bits you shared, and I love The Exile! I caught my husband looking over my shoulder more than once...maybe he'll finally join us on the adventure because of it! Thanks for all you do, Diana.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing. Especially loved the Lord John & Jamie one. LOVE it. Great of you to share.
Congrats on the win
Loved the excerpts
ReplyDeleteBest line....We were f**king you!!!! So like John to be honest and to the point!!!! Love love Lord John!!!!
Loved the Exile. You guys did an awesome job on it. Congrats on you win too.
May your travels be safe, take care.
Thank you so much for the bits of teaser Diana. I patiently await book 8.
ReplyDeleteDear Diana,
ReplyDeleteyou just made my Saturday evening here in Australia !!!!! :) HUGE GRIN !!!!!
I am loving the Jamie / Lord John .. had a grin on my face while reading that excerpts... and I also just lvoe the way Jem is maturing... he has an insight that we are just begining to realise the extent of... he will be good in the next few books... not the next few... please keep on writing.. one more book is just not enough !!!!!!!!!! Cheers Jo-Anne
Gee...What a treat! Thank you!!! You are the best!!!
ReplyDelete...gulp! What a delicious tidbit that was today! Thanks, Diana, for the two new excerpts. New quotes that will stay in my mind while I wait for the next book.
ReplyDeleteI received THE EXILE on 21st and have been going over and over the pages admiring the art work. Each time I see something I missed on the first rushed reading. I love the idea of graphic novels for each book. Please do consider that. Someone mentioned a GN with that would be awesome!
Le meas,
Absolutely fabulous!!! Loved Exile and Loved the tidbits Thank you so much and happy writing.
ReplyDeleteAny idea on a release date for book 8?
My husband thinks that I am crazy! This is the most excited he has ever seen me and it is over a book! I can't hardly take the waiting for book 8. I preordered The Exile and keep checking the mail for its arrival. Can we PLEASE see more of book 8??? Pretty Please :)
ReplyDeleteOh this is going to be good. Thanks for the excerpts!
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous--
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm afraid you'll have to wait for me to be home long enough to _write_ more of Book Eight. [wry g] I'm in the middle of a book-tour for THE EXILE, which means I'm not getting a heck of a lot of stuff written just this minute.
Thank you so much! I loved reading these!
ReplyDeleteNone of the suggestions I've seen an actor to play Jamie have resonated with me. Just started watching the tv program Lost on DVD. Josh Holloway is Jamie through and through. Just putting it out there so we can see if resonates should there come a time when a movie is cast.
ReplyDeleteLynne in GA
Dear Lynne--
ReplyDeleteMm....can't say I see it, but everybody's entitled to their own visions/opinions.
Having seen Allan Scott-Douglas act in Edinburgh this summer, I'd have to say he's my own choice for Jamie, though. As well as being a fine actor, he's conveniently tall, red-haired _and_ Scottish. [g]
Diana, a couple of us are confused by someone in The Exile...who is Kenneth???
Dear Sheila--
ReplyDeleteWell...a confederate of Geilie's. One of her modern Jacobite chums--one of the few able to time-travel. Who else?
Thanks Diana! you rock!! please write more on Jamie and Claire, Roger and Bree!! I cried when Roger and Bree left them in the colonies! I hope Roger, Bree and kids go back (all of them, together & live happily ever after) it is fiction? no?
ReplyDeleteLoved the excerpts! Thanks so much for putting us out of our misery. Although, I am sure the next lines in each excerpt will throw Jem back into peril, and Jamie will surprise Lord John once again. Nothing is ever as is seems. [g]
With great excitement, I related it all to my husband, who is also a fan, and he calmly says, "Of course I knew Jem wass alright." Men have such a different point of view! Who knew Jem was going to be okay?
I picked up my copy of 'Exile' and read it on the same day. It was so hard to keep a chapter for another day, to prolong the experience. I enjoyed this pov and hope to see the rest of Murtagh's take on Jamie's and Claire's story. Great twist in the secondary story as well. Mr. Nguyen has such talent, and although in my mind's eye Jamie and Claire differ, each panel is vivid and evocative.
Dear Diana
ReplyDeleteSaw you in DC yesterday, what an honor! You are truly a wonderful writer. I read all 7 books in 6 weeks, didn't get much else done during the summer. Poor kids, poor husband and I have forgotten what a clean house looks like. I have encouraged many friends and family to follow and my sister in England is now having a hard time from her husband, he's definitely from the 18th century with his role towards women my sister was barefoot and pregnant for almost 10 years, but has six lovely kids. She is addicted as we all are.
Waiting with great anticipation for the 8th book. You mentioned that a new Lord John would be out next year and book 8 in 2012. I can only imagine how busy you are but please don't make up wait that long.
Michelle K
Northern Virginia / England
Diana thanks for the excerpts on the 8th book. Please, please more Jamie/Claire, less LJG. You are a brilliant writer! I would love to see Will and Bree actually get to know each other as brother and sister! that would be awesome!
ReplyDeleteThanks Diana for posting excerpts! I love the complexity of the outlander series. Great Books, all of them... even the graphic novel!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much! And I thought I loved you before :)
ReplyDeleteThese excerpts are great. Exile is great, too - so Scooby Doo to have Kenneth turn up as Jamie and Claire's "Old Man Withers" - "I would've gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for that damn redheadded youngster" - Ken the Drover
Loved all the artwork - minus the fact that Laoghaire was not in the least bit "plump."
Wonderful as always, hope I'll get a chance to hear you read in person one day but if that keeps you from putting pen to paper (or bits to screen) then STAY HOME!!
Nancy in PDX
Dear Monica--
ReplyDeleteWell, you know....Lord John is a _part_ of Jamie and Claire's lives, just like Roger, Bree, Young Ian, Jenny, etc. Ergo, he'll be in the story.
Diana: Thanks so much for your books! I am waiting anxiously for my copy of The Exile to arrive from B&N to Canada (Not yet released here!), and I was so happy to see bits of book #8 to read. I agree that Lord John is an integral part of their lives and an interesting character. Any time frame or title yet for book 8?
ReplyDeleteDear Diana --
ReplyDeletesuch tantalizing excerpts! I'm one who'd LOVE to read more Lord John in any way, shape or form you'd like to write him!
I'd just like to say a huge Thank You for writing these books. I was on bedrest for the last 4 months of my pregnancy, and your books were a life raft for me -- just about the only things that kept my sense of humor intact. I've read and re-read them so many times, they are like wonderful old friends. My copies are dog-eared and worn, held together with tape -- Scotch, of course...:) -- and continue to be a source of comfort and joy every time I take them out.
Thank you thank you thank you!
Dear Diana
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to ask is there any way that Jamie is going to go into the future with Claire. Brianna and Roger and live at Lallybrook again?
I would love to see how he would react to Claire"s time.
Thank you again
Virginia / England
Oh yay - thanks for making this a great Monday morning. I've been listening to your books at work and just finished The Fiery Cross, interesting to see how his sensitivity is developing. I'm hoping the graphic novel is in the mail when I get home today and then my day will be complete. Thanks for sharing and can't wait to read the full novel when it hits the shelves!
ReplyDeleteDiana thank you sooo much for the wonderful excerpts. What a wonderful way to start the week. I am waiting patiently for my signed copy of Exile to arrive from Poisoned Pen. Tracking shows it currently in Cali, so it will be the end of the week probaobly. Hopefully you'll give us another drink of Jamie next month. i would love it for my 50th on the 29th. Safe travels.
ReplyDeleteSharon F.
Thanks Diana, I just love your books! I really love the love story between Jamie and Claire, I guess I am a hopeless romantic at heart. I guess I just have to "deal" with the fact that LJG is in it! I do like Lord John...I just wish he would fall in love with another hoo...
ReplyDeleteDear Diana! The teaser you are!
ReplyDeleteI'm on second round of reading the saga,in "Voyager" to be precise and i'm rather slow for English is not my native language.
Today i had to replace my "Voyager" copy for it had been to worn out - laying beside me on a Greek beach two years ago.
Luckily enough, i can find your books in big bookstores of Athens, right now. Two years ago i had to ,make an order for each one of them...!
Merci, merci !!! Le voyage de Jem, bien sur, et la réaction de Jamie face à Lord John, évidemment !! En plus ça permet d'attendre la sortie d'echo in the bones en français qui vient d'être retardée en janvier 2011 (pourquoi????) et de The Exile qui sera livré en octobre d'après Amazon
ReplyDeleteHeureusement que j'ai lu en anglais...
Wow, I was not expecting him to come out and just SAY THAT. Can't wait to read more of John and Jamie and Claire. What a mess they have there! I am still trying to figure out what the reckoning is going to involve... Obviously at some point it will be set right, but how in the world do you straighten out that tangled mess? Diana, you have your work cut out for you, sister! Thanks for all the stories. You are great.
ReplyDeleteSo was Kenneth in the original book? Or is this a little twist?
And I'd love to see Jamie in the 21st century too.
ReplyDeletePlanning on making the trek to Westbury Long Island to meet you this Thursday evening..wondered what Comi-Con is supposed to be like, might try to catch up with you there as well. I have never travelled to see an author before and I am verra excited to see you. You're my favorite so thanks for touring!
ReplyDeleteThanks for keeping up with us while so busy on tour. It shows how much you care for your fans.
Dear Diana
ReplyDeleteYou mentioned that you already had in your mind the gentleman that you wish to play Jamie. I just wanted to tell you about a young man who is 21 he is studying drama / musical theater at "Mount View" in London, Dame Judy Dench is the President. He is a very talented young actor who's 6 ft not quite the 6 ft 4. you can see him at
I am sorry to be plugging him this way to you but he's my nephew and I'm trying every way possible to help him succeed.
Please take a look.
Michelle K
Just thinking Lord John Grey may be better for Luke.
ReplyDeleteyou are a BRILLIANT writer and I cannot wait for book 8. I love checking on this blog and finding excerpts. you definately keep us all in suspense for your next great novel!!!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for book 8-I'm totally obsessed with the Outlander series!You are to be coming to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on Oct. 20th. It hasn't been posted as to what bookstore you will be at. Could you let us know which one? Looking forward to meeting you!
Karen C
Bloody hell! Or should I say "Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ!" I am now sitting here absolutely breathless!
ReplyDeleteIt's time for a re-read of the originals but...oh my! OH MY!! MORE MORE MORE!
Please and thank you. :-D
Dear Diana,
ReplyDeleteI first discovered your books almost fifteen years ago while visiting a friend who was house-sitting. I found a copy of Dragonfly in Amber and began reading. I was enthralled! So much so, that I absconded with the houseowner's book!
My love for your books has continued to this day. I actually have a tattoo on my back of the Celtic design from Drums of Autumn. No, I am not obsessed, just loved the design!
Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for taking me on a most fantastic literary voyage with you all these years. I reread the series every few years and enjoy it every time. Please please please don't stop at Book 8! There are many more stories to tell, in my humble opinion.
Oh, and I think Allan Scott Douglas (sp?) is great for Jamie. But can you ask him to grow his hair???
Thanks for your stories Diana.
ReplyDeleteI emailed you, but you seem to respond to some of these comments, so I'll ask you on here...! :) How old are Jamie and Claire at the end of book 7? I can't seem to get it right even after consulting my husband and friends who have also read them. We all come up with different ages! I have to know! Also, Is the release date really in 2013? I can't wait that long. I'll die!
Ps...Yes, my name is really Jamie, I'm not only obsessed. Well, I am, but you know...! ;)
ReplyDeleteOh my you are a tease Diana!!! How can you do this to us?? TORTURE!!! Anyway, thanks for taking on this marvelous ride that is Jamie and Claire, please, please include more of them in the final book. THANK you for the wonderful excerpts, I follow them all for any tidbit with bated breath...these are the best yet! Carolyn
ReplyDeleteI simply cannot wait for this book. So great!
ReplyDeleteYes thank you for the excerpts!!! I have to say that every time I pick up the next book in this series it's like going home again. I've been reading them since about 1993 when my mom found Outlander 1st, and sent it to me when I was in college for me to take on the plane to England.
ReplyDeleteI've been in love with your characters and stories ever since.
Thanks for the tease! Loved The Exile and can't wait for book 8! Saw you in NC last month and enjoyed every second of it! I thank God for blessing you with such a gift!!
ReplyDeleteAnd once again, the wait begins...........Time to begin the entire series anew. :)
ReplyDeleteLove the teasers! Love the Outlander Series, discovered Outlander in April and spent the spring into summer reading the series.
ReplyDeleteLoved them so much that I am rereading the series, savouring every word. You have an amazing talent for storytelling, thank you for sharing it with us.
OMG!!! Did he finally killed him???
ReplyDeleteJamie - I am not Diana but I can answer your question: Echo in the Bone ends in summer 1778. Jamie was born May 1, 1721 which would make him 57 at the end of EOB. Claire was born October 20, 1918 which, due to the 202 year difference from time travel, makes her adjusted birthday October 20, 1716. So at the end of EOB, Claire is 61 (she will turn 62 in October). Hope that helps...
ReplyDeleteWhoever is cast as Jamie should be ruggedly handsome, not a pretty boy. Jamie is a man's man. A younger Gerard Butler would be wonderful. I find myself looking in a crowd to see if anyone would fit my image of him. Will there ever be a movie????
ReplyDeleteI heard someone mention Alexander Skarsgard would be a good Jamie. I agree.
ReplyDeleteDougray Scott...a voice like buttah...yum!
ReplyDeleteLove the excerpts, not happy with how Echo ended...what a tease! Don't want to wait til 2013...but guess I'll have to :(
Oh my gosh! Thank you for that little bit of a tease! ;-D And of course you leave me desperately waiting for more... lol I love your work. You are amazing, and an author like none other. And on a side note~ I didn't even know The Exile had been released! Where have i been~under a rock??? Now I'm going to have to run over to Borders and dive in! Can't wait!!! Thank you thank you thank you for your wonderful books. Waiting to ravenously devour the next...and the next...and the next... :-D
ReplyDeleteYour writing is amazing. You are so descriptive and it really helps me imagine I'm right there, "a fly on the wall" if you will. My son was napping and I was reading about a battle in Scotland, I heard a childs voice somewhere in my mind, but couldn't figure why a child would be on a battle field, did I miss a character? Then I heard, "MOMMY! I'm firsty." and realized it was not a child on a battle field in Scotland, but my child, in my house, that had woken from his nap! My heart skipped several beats, and then I got a good laugh. Thanks for carrying me away with your books!
ReplyDeleteHello! My name is Teresita and I am new to this website...O M G...I am so excited about the next book coming out Outlander book 8. And I love these excerpts. I am so glad I found this website and can talk with others about the book. I have not been this excited since I read Twilight. The waiting is torture...
ReplyDeleteThat was great! I knew Jamie would go berserk on John! Can't wait for the book...thank you for teaser! Now I need to go back and re-read it again! :)
ReplyDeleteI have read and reread the series, and am so excited for #8 to come out. Thank you so much for continuing the series.
ReplyDeleteWhen I first read Outlander I had Liam picked for Jamie. Now he is too old... but I'm sure if they ever make the book into a movie/series he could play someone.
Dear Diana,
ReplyDeletegreetings from Germany, I love the Saga - except the book number 7. Reeding these extract I hope there are not the last version. The characters become more and more noncreditble. Lord John always was a gentlemen, sophisticated and self-controlled and now he should use the words "arsehole" and "fucking" - Jamie would say "I dinna believe it"
Oh I can hardly wait for book 8!!! I am a fan/fanatic, have read each book twice, have listened to them on my ipod many times and just can't get enough of them! Please, please, please hurry! I am on pins and needles waiting for the saga to continue!
ReplyDeleteDear Diana,
ReplyDeleteI have read the excerpts of the eighth book eagerly, and can not wait as it will go further. But I'll wait because I know that my patience will be rewarded.
Until then, I just read all seven books again, because every time I discover new details and dive into the depths of my fantasy.
Greetings from Germany
Your loyal fan