I’m Baa-aack!
Had a lovely time in Canada, despite losing one (luckily inessential) bag, that followed me faithfully from city to city like a dog, but never caught up. With luck, it’ll come home tomorrow. Of course, I’m leaving home again tomorrow morning…(but for New Mexico, where I propose to hide out for the next couple of weeks, not speaking to anybody but husband and dogs, peacefully eating green chili, and picking up the threads of Book Eight and SCOTTISH PRISONER).
Speaking of SCOTTISH PRISONER…I recently posted a longish excerpt from that book (during the 24 hours I was home, between the West Virginia Book Festival and whatever happened next (things tend to blur when you’re book-touring)) on the Compuserve Books and Writers Forum. Since I know not all of y’all go there, I figured I’d also post it here.
Now, a word about excerpts. I love for people to read them, but I do have an agreement with my publisher about how much of a book is up on the internet at any one time—which means that I need to control said excerpts, and try to make sure they aren’t reposted elsewhere. So excerpts from my books appear (with rare exceptions), only in three places: the Diana Gabaldon folder in the Compuserve Books and Writers Community (community.compuserve.com/books -- NB: _no_ "www" on that), on my website (www.dianagabaldon.com –and btw, we hope to have the All New Spectacular Cool New Website up and working by the end of November, very exciting!), and here.
So if you want to share or discuss with your friends, please just give them the link to this page, my website, or the Compuserve folder.
Copyright 2010 Diana Gabaldon
He was carrying a huge basket of rotted manure up to the kitchen garden when Robert, one of the footmen, appeared from behind a wall and hailed him.
“Hoy, MacKenzie! You’re wanted!”
He was surprised; it was mid-morning, not a usual time for visiting or errands. He’d have to catch that wee bitch Venus, presently enjoying herself in the back pasture. And the thought of driving the pony-trap, with Lady Isobel’s slitted eyes burning holes in his back, was less than appealing. It wasn’t as though he had a choice, though, and he set the basket down, safely off the path, then straightened up, dusting his hands against his thighs.
“Aye, I’ll have the trap round in a quarter-hour.”
“Not the trap,” Robert said, impatient. “I said you’re wanted.”
He glanced at the man, startled.
“Who wants me?”
“Not me, I assure you.” Robert had a long nose, and he wrinkled it ostentatiously, looking at the greenish-brown crumbles and smears on Jamie’s clothes. “If there was time, I’d make you change your shirt, but there’s not. He said at once, and he meant it.”
“Lord Dunsany?” Jamie asked, ignoring the footman’s barb.
“Who else?” Robert was already turning away. He looked back over his shoulder and jerked his head. “Come on, then!”
[end section]
He felt strange. The polished wood floor echoed under his tread and the air smelt of hearth-ash, books, and flowers. He smelled of horses, horse-shit, and his own bitter sweat. Since the day he’d come to Helwater, he’d only once been further into the house than the kitchen where he took his meals.
Lord Dunsany had received him and John Grey in the study on that first day, and now the butler—back stiff with disapproval—led him down the corridor to the same door. The wooden panels were carved with small rosettes; he had noticed them so intensely on his first visit that seeing them again recalled his feelings on that day—and gave him now a feeling as though he had missed the bottom step of a flight of stairs.
His immediate assumption on hearing the summons was that somehow Dunsany had discovered the truth of William’s paternity, and his heart was in his throat, his mind filled with half-formed notions between outright panic and…something else. Would Dunsany cast the boy out? If he did….a faint, breath-taking vision of himself stealing away from Helwater, his son in his arms, came to him—but vanished at once as the door opened.
There were three men in Lord Dunsany’s study. Soldiers, in uniform. A lieutenant and two private soldiers, he thought at once--though it had been a long time since he’d troubled with the distinctions of English uniform.
“This is MacKenzie,” Lord Dunsany said, with a small nod at him. “Or
The officer looked him up and down, assessing, but his face gave nothing away. A middle-aged man, with a sour look. He didn’t offer his name.
“You’re to go with these men, MacKenzie,” Dunsany said. His face was old, his expression remote. “Do as they tell you.”
He stood mute. Damned if he’d say “Yes, sir,” and double-damned if he’d knuckle his forehead like a servant. The officer looked sharply at him, then at Dunsany, to see whether this insubordination was to be punished, but finding nothing but weariness in the old man’s face, shrugged slightly and nodded to the privates.
They moved purposefully toward him, one taking him by each arm. He couldn’t avoid it, but felt the urge to jerk loose knot the muscles of his arms and spine. They led him into the hall and out the front door; he could see the butler smirking from his pantry, and two of the maids hanging wide-eyed and open-mouthed out of the upper windows as the men emerged onto the drive, where a coach stood waiting.
“Where are ye taking me?” he asked, with what calmness he could.
The men glanced at each other; one shrugged.
“You’re going to London,” he said.
“To visit the Queen,” the other said, and sniggered.
He had to duck to enter the carriage, and in doing so, turned his head. Lady Isobel stood in the window, mouth open in shock. William was in her arms, small
head laid in sleep on her shoulder. Behind them, Betty smiled at him, maliciously triumphant.
[end section]
They gave him a serviceable cloak to wear, and food at the taverns and inns, shoving it indifferently across the table toward him, ignoring him while they talked, save an occasional sharp glance to be sure he wasn’t getting up to something. What, exactly, did they think he might do? he wondered. If he’d ever meant to escape, he could have done it much more easily from Helwater.
He gathered nothing from their conversation, which seemed mostly regimental gossip, bawdy remarks about women of a sort indicating that they’d seldom touched one, and low jokes. Not a word as to their destination.
At the second stop, there was wine—decent wine. He drank it cautiously; he hadn’t tasted anything stronger than small-beer or the occasional glass of ale in years, and the lush flavor clung to his palate and rose like smoke inside his head. The soldiers shared three bottles—and so did he, welcoming the slowing of his racing thoughts as the alcohol seeped into his blood. It would do him no good to think, until he knew what to think about.
He tried to keep his mind off their unknown destination, and what might await him there, but it was like trying not to think of a—
“Rhinoceros,” Claire said, with a muffled snort of amusement that stirred the hairs on his chest. “Have you ever seen one?”
“I have,” he said, shifting her weight so she rested more comfortably in the hollow of his shoulder. “In Louis’s zoo. Aye, that would stick in the mind.”
Abruptly, she vanished and left him sitting there, blinking stupidly into his wine-cup.
Had it really happened, that memory? Or was it only his desire that now and then brought her so vividly to life, in snatched moments that left him desperate with longing, but strangely comforted, as though she had in fact touched him briefly.
He became aware that the soldiers had all stopped talking and were staring at him. And that he was smiling. He looked back at them over his cup, not altering his expression.
They looked away, uneasy, and he went back to his wife, for the moment tranquil in his mind.
[end section]
They did take him to London.
He tried not to gawk; he was aware of the soldiers casting covert glances at him, sly smiles. They expected him to be impressed, and he declined to give them the satisfaction—but he was impressed, nonetheless.
So this was London. It had the stink of any city, the narrow alleys, the smell of slops and chimney-smoke. But any large city has its own soul, and London was quite different than either Paris or Edinburgh. Paris was secretive, self-satisfied; Edinburgh solidly busy, a merchants’ town. But this…it was rowdy, churning like an anthill, and gave off a sense of pushing, as though the energy of the place would burst its bonds and spill out over the countryside, spill out into the world at large. His blood stirred, despite his fears and the tooth-jolting ride.
The Jacobite soldiers would talk about London, early in the campaign, when they were victorious and London seemed a plum within their grasp. Wild tales—almost none of them had ever seen a city, before they came to Edinburgh. Talk of gold plates in the taverns, streets with gilded carriages thick as lice …
He remembered Murdo Lindsay, bug-eyed at the description of the London boozing-kens, where the poor clustered in dark cellars, drowning the misery of life in Holland gin.
“Whole families!” Murdo exclaimed. “All of them, dead drunk! If even the poor folk can afford to stay drunk for days at a time, what must the rich ones be like?”
He’d smiled then, amused. He smiled now, bitter.
As the campaign had turned, withering in the cold, when the army camped at Derby, shivering while the commanders argued whether to push on or not, the soldiers had still talked of London. But they talked in whispers, and not of gold plates and Holland gin. They talked of the gallows, of the famous Bridge, where the heads of traitors were displayed. Of the Tower.
That thought sent a qualm through him. Christ, could they be taking him there? He was a convicted traitor, though paroled these past three [ck] years. And he was the grandson of Lord Lovat, who had met his death on the block at that same Tower. He hadn’t been fond of his grandfather, but crossed himself and murmured “[Gaelic]” under his breath. [May your soul be with Jesus.]
He wondered what the devil the Tower of London looked like. He’d imagined it, of course, but God only knew what the reality was. It was big, though, he thought, it had to be big. So he’d have a bit of warning, seeing it. He’d be prepared.
Aye, prepared for prison? he thought. The thought of it, of cold stone and small spaces, endless days, months and years in a cage as life and body dwindled inexorably away, shriveled his heart. And William. He would never see William again. But they might kill him instead. At the moment, that was his only hopeful thought.
But why? Had his parole been revoked? That last, disastrous conversation with John Grey…his fists curled up without thought, and one of the soldiers started, looking at him hard. With an effort, he unclenched his hands and pulled them inside his cloak, gripping his thighs under its cover hard enough to leave bruises.
He hadn’t seen—or heard from—Grey since that day. Had the man been nursing a grudge all this time, and finally decided to put paid to Jamie Fraser’s account, once and for all? It was the most likely explanation—and unforgivable things had been said on both sides. Worse, both of them had meant the things they said, and both of them knew it. No excuse of hot blood speaking—though in all justice, his own blood had boiled, and…
There it was. He gasped, couldn’t help it, though it made all the soldiers look at him, conversation interrupted.
It had to be. He knew the look of a prison well enough. Huge, round towers set in a grim, high wall, and the filthy brown water of a broad river flowing past, flowing under an iron-barred gate. The Traitor’s Gate? He’d heard of it.
All of them were grinning at him, maliciously enjoying his shock. He swallowed hard and tensed his belly muscles. They wouldn’t see him cower. His pride was all he had left—but he had enough of that. Enough to last until he was alone again, at least.
But the carriage didn’t leave the road. They bowled past the grim bulk of the moated Tower, the horses’ hooves ringing suddenly on cobbles, and he blessed the sound because it drowned the wrenching gasp when he realized he’d stopped breathing and started again.
It wasn’t a warm day, but he was drenched in sudden sweat, and saw the private behind him wrinkle his nose and glance sideways at him. He reeked of fear; could smell himself.
Could ha’ been worse, a allhamarach borb, he thought, coldly meeting the man’s eye and staring ‘til he looked away. I might have shit myself and ye’d have to ride into London smelling that.
[end section]
What with the tangle of foot-traffic, barrows, carriages, and horses that thronged the narrow streets, it was more than an hour before the coach finally pulled up outside a massive house that stood in its own walled grounds at the edge of a huge open park. He stared at it in astonishment. If not the Tower, he’d certainly expected to be taken to a gaol of some kind. Who the devil lived here, and what did whoever it was want of him?
The soldiers didn’t tell him, and he wouldn’t ask.
To his amazement, they took him up the marble steps to the front door, where they made him wait while the lieutenant banged at the knocker, then spoke to the butler who answered it. The butler was a small, neat man, who blinked in disbelief at sight of Jamie, then turned to the lieutenant, plainly about to remonstrate.
“His Grace said bring him, and I’ve brought him,” said the lieutenant impatiently. “Show us in!”
His Grace? A duke. God…Cumberland? His heart had already been in his throat; now his wame tried to follow it. He’d seen the Duke of Cumberland just once. When he’d left the battlefield at Culloden, hidden under a load of hay in a wagon. The wagon had passed through the edge of the Government lines, just at evening, and he’d seen the big tent, a squat, vigorous figure just outside it, irritably waving away clouds of smoke with a gold-laced hat. The smoke of burning bodies.
He felt the soldiers jerk and glance at him, startled. He froze, fists at his side, but the chill and the fear were gone, burnt away by the sense of rage that rose abruptly, drawing him upright with it.
His heart beat painfully, eager, for all at once, the future had a shape to it. No more long days of mere survival. He had purpose, and the glow of it lit his soul with a smoky flame.
The butler was falling back, reluctant, but unable to resist. Aye, fine. All he need do was behave circumspectly until he got within grip of the Duke. He flexed his left hand, briefly. There might be a knife, a letter-opener, something…but it didn’t matter.
The lieutenant jerked his head, and he moved, just in time to keep the privates from grasping his arms. He saw the butler’s eyes fix on his feet, mouth twisted in a sneer of contempt. A door opened in the hallway and a woman’s face appeared for a moment. She caught sight of him, gasped, and closed the door.
He would in fact have wiped his sandals, had they given him time; he’d no desire either to foul the house nor to look like the barbarian they plainly thought him. The men hastened him along, though, one on either side, and he had even less wish to give them an excuse to lay their hands on him, so he went, leaving dusty prints crumbled with dry mud and caked manure along the Turkey carpet.
The door to the room was open and they propelled him inside without ceremony. He was looking everywhere at once, gauging distances, estimating the possibilities of objects as weapons, and it was a moment before his eyes met those of the man seated at the desk.
For a moment longer, his mind refused to grasp the reality, and he blinked. No, it wasn’t Cumberland. Not even the passage of years could have transformed a stout German prince into the slender, fine-featured man frowning at him across the polished wood.
“Mister Fraser.” It wasn’t quite a question, nor was it quite a greeting, though the man inclined his head courteously.
Jamie was breathing as though he’d run a mile, hands shaking slightly as his body tried to burn away anger that now had no outlet.
“Who are you?” he asked rudely.
The man shot a sharp glance at the lieutenant.
“Did you not tell him, Mr. Gaskins?”
Gaskins. It was a minor relief to know the bugger’s name. And a distinct pleasure to see him go red and then white.
“I…er…I…no, sir. He...er…didn’t ask.”
“Leave us, lieutenant.” The man didn’t raise his voice, but it cut like a razor. He’s a soldier, Jamie thought, and then, I ken him. But where…?
The man stood up, ignoring Lieutenant Gaskins’s hasty departure.
“My apologies, Mr. Fraser,” he said. “Were you mistreated on your journey?”
“No,” he replied automatically, scrutinizing the face before him. It was remarkably familiar, and yet he would swear he didn’t know this man. “Why am I here?”
The man drew a deep breath, the frown easing, and as it did, Jamie saw the shape of the man’s face, fine-boned and beautiful, though showing the marks of a hard life. He felt as though someone had punched him in the chest.
“Jesus,” he blurted. “Ye’re John Grey’s brother.” He groped madly for the name, and found it. “Lord…Melton. Jesus Christ.”
“Well, yes,” the man said. “Though I don’t use that title any longer. I’ve become the Duke of Pardloe since we last met.” He smiled wryly. “It has been some time. Please sit down, Mr. Fraser.”
[end section
Eeep! Thanks for the lovely snack!
ReplyDeleteLove it! You are an incredibly talented writer.I cannot wait for more! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThanks -after a long hard day, this was just perfect!
ReplyDeleteJust wondering about the following passage, "Since the day he’d come to Helwater, he’d only once been further into the house than the kitchen where he took his meals." What about his rendezvous with Geneva Dunsany? I thought that took place in this same house? Or doesn't it count since he came in through the window? ;)
ReplyDeleteThat's quite the teaser! Can't wait to hear the rest of the story. Thanks for the glimpse.
ReplyDeleteHoly Lord! Not what I expected at all! That was awesome, Diana. Thank you for the hefty chunk. I try to stay away from excerpts but this was too seductive. Never in my wildest imagining did I think this meeting would happen!
You're the best.
ReplyDeleteFantastic! Looking forward to the book!
ReplyDeleteThanks Diana, that was so worth reading. Hope you enjoy your time off, you deserve every minute of rest. Hope you get to enjoy some good wines too, don't forget the glass of water for every glass of wine. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Diana, what a treat! Thanks for posting such a long excerpt. I love that your descriptions always include smells as well as visuals.
ReplyDeleteExcellent as always! Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for not only another glimpse of Jamie Fraser, but of London as well. I so appreciate all the research you do !
ReplyDeleteThank you soo much for the snippet, but one Question: what does "a allhamarach borb" mean? I found with google only your sites with this excerpt, maybe someone can tell me?
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous--
ReplyDelete"a allhamarach borb" means "o, barbarian," according to my Gaelic/English dictionary. [g] It's just a place-holder, though; I'm sure Cathy-Ann (my ever-helpful Gaelic expert) can come up with a better epithet in due course.
oh thank you for answering so fast...now I understand better
ReplyDeleteDear Marnie--
ReplyDeleteNo, I don't think it does count if you come in a window. [g]
Thanks so much for remembering us who are not on Compuserve! I cannot wait for The Scottish Prisoner and Book EIGHT!!
ReplyDelete--Amy in Atlanta
Do you have a release date for The Scottish Prisoner?
ReplyDeleteDear Diana,
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting!
I was completely absorbed, heart beating fast along with Jamie's [g], and was jolted back to reality when it ended.
I love how intense Jamie is, that his emotions show and strike fear in his keepers. I can imagine him as fierce, red hair tangled, muscles tensed, wild eyed, mouth set, nostrils flared, face red as his adrenaline rushes. A larger than life fearsome barbaric Scot indeed.
I have to go back and find when Claire did actually say that bit about the rhinoceros.
Really enjoyed this excerpt.
Glad you enjoyed your whirlwind trip through Canada. I really wished I could have made the trek to Edmonton. I live in southern Alberta, and although I saw you in Calgary last year, I would have relished another of your talks. (c:
Happy writing retreat!
Oh, very excited to read this book!! Thank you for this, now I want to run out and buy it and can't... :)
ReplyDeleteis this a stand alone book? if part of a series, which ones came previous?
ReplyDeleteit's SO strange to see so much of Jamie without Claire or his family - but we love him so we'll take it!
Lovely! But I guess it is crazy reading this excerpts, it's just make ju want more...
ReplyDeleteI'm now reading Echo in the bone in swedish, very slowly. Because I want it to last looong ;). I've already read it in english and the end didn't make me happy, I tell you!
So thank you Diana, for sharing this with us!!
Thank you, thank you Diana, for the large tidbit! Just what I needed today. I remember now why I read your books and it's because of my ability to have a Calgon take me away kind of moment and forget all my problems when I read your books. I think I'll go and re-read Echo now!
ReplyDeleteAwesome. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteOh, fantastic!! Thank you...
ReplyDeleteand welcome back. Enjoy your chili... :)
You're the bomb.com...enough said
ReplyDeleteDear Elizabeth--
ReplyDeleteThis is from LORD JOHN AND THE SCOTTISH PRISONER. The Lord John books are actually part of the larger OUTLANDER series, but sort of fit into it at right angles [g], as they're focused on the character of Lord John Grey, an occasional but significant character from the main series--these books are things he was doing while not onstage in the main books.
There are three Lord John books in print so far:
HAND OF DEVILS is a collection of three novellas (which fit, chronologically, before, between, and after the two novels).
There are also a couple of other Lord John novellas--one in an anthology titled WARRIORS (the story is titled "The Custom of the Army") that came out last March, and the other in another anthology titled DOWN THESE STRANGE STREETS (the novella is titled "Lord JOhn and the Plague of Zombies") that'll be out sometime next year.
Thanks Diana for the Jamie fix, like most everyone else I made the walk into the Duke's house with Jamie :-) , and was pleased to see it was Lord John's brother. At least he's a man with a code of honour like his younger brother.
ReplyDeleteHi Diana,
ReplyDeleteWelcome back!
We missed you !
Thanks for the except,it is great.
Best wishes
PS: when is Scottish Prisoner going to Be published?
Reading this excerpt makes me realize how much I have missed Jamie and Claire, and the tears stung my eyes as he dwelt in the memory of Claire. Your characters and novels are a part of the landscape of my life!! Thanks so much.
ReplyDeleteDear Myrna (et al)--
ReplyDeleteI'm kind of _hoping_ (God willing and the creek don't rise--and I manage not to have to travel so dang much in the coming months) to finish SCOTTISH PRISONER by the end of March-ish, which would probably mean it would be published next fall. (Still, writers propose and publishers dispose, so that's only a good guess.)
That would mean y'all got three books in three years, though (ECHO, THE EXILE, and SCOTTISH PRISONER), and you _might_ just get Book Eight the following fall, which is a pretty darn good clip for me. [g]
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. This was a wonderful 50th birthday surprise for me today. I am like the other ladies, walking along side Jamie to see The Duke. Thank you again. Enjoy your time at home with Doug and the doggies!!!
Thank you for brightening my day! I have been longing for more Jamie-based reading material. I absolutely love this little teaser, and can't wait to read the book. Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the excerpt. I miss Claire so much already & am glad that we’ll finally get to see our beloved Claire through Jamie's POV. Just wonderful! I hope that she will make more appearances in Jamie’s thoughts (and dream?) throughout the book. Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteJust wondering when Echo will come out as an audiobook? I just finished listen to BOSAA. It was wonderful!!!
His longing for her just got me teary eyes. ~~sigh~~
ReplyDeleteThank you Diana - that was "brilliant". I have just received "Warriors" and can't wait to read more about Lord John. Also I've pre-ordered, "Songs of Love and Death", which Amazon tells me will be published (and hopefully sent to me) end of November, early December. Can't wait for "A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows".
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your break, you have certainly earned it!
Dear Anonymous--
ReplyDeleteECHO is available now as an unabridged audiobook. Recorded Books (www.recordedbooks.com) always tries to release the audio version as close to the print publication date as possible.
Hope you enjoy it!
dear Diana,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the answer. That means that Book 8 is going to take 3 Years. :-(
That is sooooooo hard!
That is no critisism. I Know that you are super busy and that it is amazing to finish Three books in 3 years.
So step One is waiting for Scottish prisoner....
i can do that!
Best wishes
Thank you Diana for all you have done so far. I enjoy reading (especially your books) and can't wait for Book 8. You are an amazing writer. I have never read a book that was a historical novel until now. Your books have expanded my horizons.
Dear Diana
ReplyDeleteWell, I’ve just read both the excerpt from ‘A Leaf on the Wind…’ and now this one from ‘Scottish Prisoner’, so you’ve really cheered up my rather grey and gloomy Sunday in London.
I did a marathon first-time read of all the Outlander and Lord John books starting from March 2009, which means I haven’t had to wait so long for the sequels as your long term fans, and feel entirely relaxed about getting one ‘hit’ a year – your books definitely fall into my ‘worth waiting for’ category – thank you!
Meanwhile, a passing thought which has become a much stronger hunch, I always wondered if Hal guessed William’s paternity as William grew up; even though Hal only had only met Jamie once as far as we knew, it was a pretty memorable meeting, and Hal is very shrewd. Not that I need an answer to that …
Best wishes
love it!! Thanks so much for sharing. :-)
ReplyDeleteI was wondering if you know about some of the local legends in the area where Frazer's Ridge is supposed to be. I live about an hour from Boone. Have lived here all my life. I think it would be really cool to write about one of them such as "The Brown Mountain Lights" in your next book. The native Americans as well as early settlers have seen this unexplained phenomena continuing into the present. I've seen them many times.
ReplyDeleteI discovered the Outlander series of books only last December 2010. Don't know how I missed that! It was an introduction through my bookclub selection that I picked up the Outlander book. I was not that excited about it until she met Jamie. At that point, I was intrigued and before finishing that book, I was hooked. I have tried to convince as many people as I can of just how great this series is. I look forward to anything Ms. Gabaldon puts her hand to! Congratulations on writing the book(s) that have been the most impressive in all the books I've ever read...and they are many! Thank you Ms. Gabaldon!!!