Well, evidently there was an article in yesterday's New York Times, regarding (among other things) the possibility of Katherine Heigl playing Claire in a film version of OUTLANDER. It's not like there haven't been all kinds of rumors about everything you could imagine, over the last ten years or so--but this seems to have stirred up a lot of folk, many of whom asked me to post something on the matter.
Had a quick glance at several assorted articles on the subject (to which folk have been sending me links). All of said articles contain the usual amount of careless inaccuracy that you usually see. You really shouldn't get excited about any details mentioned in that sort of piece--like "Scottish heroine," for instance.
That said, I haven't ever seen Ms. Heigl act, but would certainly extend her the courtesy of waiting to see.
Katherine Heigl eh? Seems a little too mousey to be as strong as Claire should be, but definitely an interesting consideration. Good luck on all this. I think a movie version of the story could be really beautiful.
ReplyDeleteOOOHHH. This could be interesting. She might work though I never would have outright chosen her for the role. I am kind of nervous about this so I can not imagine how you feel having your work "adapted" to the big screen.
ReplyDeleteDaer Diana,
ReplyDeleteThis is exciting and conflicting news!
Hmm. Katherine Heigl does dramatic acting well. She doesn't immediately come to mind when I think of Claire. Perhaps a bit too Hollywood.
There must be a British actress who could portray Claire somewhere!
Having watched and enjoyed "Foyle's War" for years, perhaps Honeysuckle Weeks (her real name)would do well as Claire. Here is a link to her Wikipedia page:
Looking forward to hearing how all this plays out.
Ack, Claire needs to be played by a British actress, IMO, though no one comes to mind at present. Perhaps a Kate Beckinsale or someone like her?
ReplyDeleteWill be interesting to see how this plays out.
I could see her more likely playing Brianna, but even that...I don't think she has the "weight" to play any of the characters...she's always seems to do fluffy kinds of things.
ReplyDeleteI like her (not including Killers which was very lame) and if she gets the film made because of her name... sure why not... and a great Jamie will more than compensate.
ReplyDeleteI could maybe see her as Geillis but I don't see her as Clair at all. Personally, I think Kate Winslet would be much better as Claire.
I've been a fan of KH since Grey's Anatomy, and I think her scenes with Denny (Season 2 or 3 I forget)- were very touching and well-done. She's finshing up as Stephanie Plum "One for the Money" (and as a brunette with curly hair - check IMDB for photos).. so maybe a Claire might be in there someplace. I think she might be able to pull it off if she can do an English accent half-way well.
ReplyDeleteEven if she's interested I would imagine they would do screen-tests before committing to final casting.
Allan Scott-Douglas as Jamie for a movie? I think they can do better than that. I just figured he was cast in the musical because that was all they could get an it was low-budget. Sorry to dis on Allan, but he is not even close to the Jamie you describe in the book - other than he is tall. :(
ReplyDeleteNever heard of her, but then there are a lot of people I haven't heard of! They thought Gerald Butler was a name for Phantom and I still don't know what else he's done!! (and don't much care!)
ReplyDeleteIf Diana thinks Allan is Jamie then he must be Jamie! it's her head he came out of after all!
I'm surprised I haven't seen an uproar with the mention of Heigl. I've yet to see a movie with her in it wherewith she has chemistry with the leading man. I can't imagine her pulling off a British accent. And honestly, I think she should stick to the rated R comedies she has become known for.
ReplyDeleteSigh... I'm not cool with that, but oh well. She's just too "romantic comedy" (that's all she ever acts in). And I would be really surprised if she could do an english accent. Plus she'd have to get rid of the blond hair. But her being in it really boosts the chances of making the film a reality. Looking forward to hearing more news about this.
ReplyDeleteWould much rather see an 8-10 episode HBO adaptation than a theatrical release. Any adaptation would have to differ wildly from the book, but just can't imagine a 120 minute film as at all satisfying.
ReplyDeleteNo offense to KH, but she was awful in another book to movie adaptation (Love Comes Softly). Maybe it was the writing, maybe it was the fact movies are never as good as their books, but I think some of it was her. We shall see!
ReplyDeleteKatherine Heigl, fluff no substance. I've seen a few of her movies and she plays the same character in each one (sort of like Julia Roberts).
ReplyDeleteRecently saw the movie Agora with Rachel Weiz. While she may be older than Ms Heigl, she can pull off Claire much better. And you wouldn't need a dialect coach on set.
I cannot for the life of me, imagine that a large American movie company would even consider Allan Scott-Douglas as a male lead.
ReplyDeleteHaving checked out his "acting" skits on youtube, I've yet to see any charisma or star quality there at all. Let's be honest here, the stuff on youtube is quite lame, probably more harmful than good for an "aspiring actor".
He may well be a really neat guy in real life and I kind of think that may be influencing Diana's opinion of him...but he's hardly going to make the ladies pulses race. And yeah, I do know it's not all about looks and body shape, but the actual acting skills are not that great either. Sorry if this sounds harsh but i'm being realistic here.
An interesting take on KH and her Outlander potential:
that didn't post right. Here it is again:
Allan Scott Douglas would make an AMAZING Jaime! He definitely has my vote! To whom should I submit my petition?? If KH could pull off an English accent and life as a brunette it could work but agree, Rachel Weiz would be an amazing choice.
ReplyDeleteI agree that a book this long and with this much substance is not going to fit will into a movie. I agree that it should be an HBO type of series.
ReplyDeleteSaw you last night in Pasadena! U R GREAT! It was such joy! Isn't Katherine H too tall for Claire? Doesn't matter to me all that much. Of course I would see the movie. But I love reading much more than I like going to the movies. So much gets lost from the book into a movie.
ReplyDeleteThank you again for the hours of reading pleasure that you have brought into my life.
I personally think another Grey's Anatomy actor would be perfect for Jaimie... Kevin McKidd. Not sure about Katherine though...... Like you said "We'll see."
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteI know many people love "Outlander" and our VERY protective over the character, and I am one of those people. But when it comes to Katherine Heigl as Claire, I don't think she'd do the part at all. I mean, God love her... but *shakes head* find someone else if anything.
ReplyDeleteDear Diana,
ReplyDeleteI hope and wish that the SMART filmmakers, producers and casting directors out there would SEEK your approval of whom they choose to play the characters. I also hope that they'd remember that these charactere were of your creation, after all.
& If you think that Allen Scott-Douglas could/shold play Jamie, then, I think, at least he should have a shot at the audition. :-)
Allan Scott Douglas would be alright playing Jamie in a musical stage production. Hopefully, an Outlander movie or miniseries would be Drama Only!!! Finding the "Right" Jamie would be CRUCIAL !! And the right Clare to go with Jamie is also important. This could be really Big, if casted well. Like....Gone with the Wind....Titanic...Braveheart..BIG !!! Hold your ground, Diana, until they find the two actors who were meant to play these roles.
ReplyDeleteI was passionately speed typing, so sorry for the typos.
ReplyDeleteI would rather have no movie at all, than have Katherine Heigl play Claire! And I actually liked her from Grey's Anatomy, she's just not it.
ReplyDeleteHaving said that, nothing the film makers could do, will stand close to the characters and vision I have had in my head all these years. So, I will just view the movie (if it ever comes about) as a completely separate entity from the books.
ps. I like A.S.D in the musical version of Outlander, BUT Kevin McKidd has always been MY Jamie. Even though he may be too old, or what not, he is my best pick.
Here! Here! Nicole, finally someone with a like mind. I have been saying this for years.
ReplyDeleteAnd Romantic@heart, I totally agree :)
I think Kate Winslet could do an awesome Claire. She is already English, she can age up or down well, she can be controlled and also emotional - she's strikingly beautiful without being child-like...well, that's my opinion of who would be a lovely Claire. Jamie is much more an enigma to me!
ReplyDeleteI am not sure KH could pull off Claire, but I do agree that Kate Winslet would be an excellent choice. But, Alan Scott Douglas, while nice enough, just doesn't scream Jamie to me. I watched some of hist stuff on Youtube, and I just can't see it.
ReplyDeleteAn up & coming actor getting his break playing Jamie Fraser? I think Jamie would want it that way (-; Best to you, Mr. Scott Douglas!
ReplyDeleteI could see Katherine Heigl as Brianna quicker than Claire, but I'm biased - she's playing Stephanie Plum in a movie adaptation, and that isn't good casting at ALL.
ReplyDeleteStill, we'll have tow and and see, though I'd rather keep waiting on a movie version til they can cast it right. We don't want another Clan of the Cave Bear...
oh no, not Katherine heigl..too Hollywood blondie. A good true English actress is what we want. In any event, Diana, if you are happy with whoever they cast, then so be it. Meantime, I am longing for #8................
ReplyDeleteI think KH would be a terrible choice for Outlander. These are my favourite books ever, but if she, or some other dumb blond actress plays Claire I won't be able to watch it. I think Claire should be played by an unknown. I think I would make a great Claire, I have long brown curly hair, I'm small but curvy, and I know I could play the part. I know that this movie would have lots of intense scenes which I'm confidant I would be able to portray well. I love animals and wouldn't mind riding them in the least, also there is that scene with the wolf, I could do that scene, someone like KH could not. If anyone knows how to get in touch with the casting directors I would love to send in a resume or portfolio.
ReplyDeleteLove you Diana! Can't wait for the next installment!
I think KH could do a good job on Claire.I can see her yelling at British soldiers, bossing people around. Not sure about the accent and the chemistry with the film Jamie.
ReplyDeleteKH as Claire? No, no, no, no, no....just no. Actually I think my first thought was "please god no!" I liked KH in Grey's Anatomy, but her movies stink.
ReplyDeleteI have said for YEARS that Kate Winslet would be perfect - please someone send her the first book and maybe she'll fall in love with it like all the rest of us and want to get involved.
And I'm also a fan of the HBO miniseries idea - two thumbs up on that one!!
Diana we love you, we love Outlander and we want what's best for it as much as you do!
What do we have to do to get an Outlander mini series. Something akin to the Tudors on CBC ...or an HBO series. can we sign a petition.Why isn't this option being explored. We could have so much more than a 2hour flick :)
ReplyDeleteKatherine Heigl? Please no! She is absolutely dreadful in every movie she has ever been in, and I am positive she won't be able to pull off a British accent. Just because having her name tied to the project might help the movie to be made, doesn't mean that the movie should be made. Even if the best Jamie on Earth is cast opposite her,there will be no chemistry. I for one think that instead of a movie, the whole Outlander series should be made into a miniseries with all unknown actors on HBO or Showtime (they will be much racier that way anyway). If there must be a movie, please God, someone tell Kate Winslet to play Claire.
ReplyDeleteOnce again I will say that I prefer the Jamie and Claire that appear in my mind and I can't imagine anyone's portrayal doing them justice. That said, I fully enjoyed The Exile even though their pictures were not what I have imagined. If Diana has input in the casting, I'm sure I would enjoy watching her choices portray them on screen but anything less than a miniseries would limit the beautiful complex story.
ReplyDeleteUmm, I'm not sure why my post was removed by the administrator. I don't think I said anything that others have not said in their posts. I just want to cast my vote, however futile it may be.
ReplyDeleteI'd rather have NO movie than have KHeigl play Claire. Jamie may be the standard for all heroes, but Claire is the rock of this series. I don't think KHeigl has the caliber to play an iconic character like Claire.
I want an Outlander movie, but a movie of quality - one that is worthy of the amazing characters that Diana produced. For me, having KHeigl play Claire will actually bring down the quality of the movie.
Hey I'm British and have dark hair, I could play the part of Claire. Well I mean if anyone's even considering that "one trick pony" to play the part then why not me.
ReplyDeleteI must echo all the NO's for KH. Please no!
ReplyDeleteAlthough no one is going to measure up to how we visualize Jamie and Claire, I'm beginning to think that the best bet for an Outlander cast would be a bunch of unknown actors.
Hi, romantic!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry I had to remove your post (and was obliged to rush off in a hurry before telling you). There was nothing wrong with it at all, but the film people had asked me please to edit the post to remove some references that might be considered sensitive and your post happened to refer to something in the original posting; that's all.
My apologies!
Hi, Diana. No problem at all. No need for apologies. I adore your Jamie and Claire so deeply that when I heard the news, I felt compelled to rush here and state my feelings.
ReplyDeleteI think it is just as important to cast the right Claire as it is to find the perfect Jamie. And, so, I can not get behind an Outlander movie that stars KHeigl.
And, I think I know which parts of my post the film people considered sensitive. But, nevertheless, were truth. It is a matter of public record the characterization I have given. I beg you to take them into consideration when casting Claire.
Thank you for hearing me out. I really appreciate it.
I don't wanna movie.... :(.. I am fully grasping onto my inner , sniffling, whining child this morning to complain throughly.. Brought to you with full toddler theatrics, learned to perfection from watching my son.. In a desperate attempt to get what it is that I, want...so...
ReplyDeleteI don't wanna a movie.. it NEEDS to be a series... Please Movie Developing guru's who have the big screen lives of our beloved Jamie and Clare in there creatively genius hands... PLEASE.. Don't attempt to edit there mazing lives, and stuff the 'Important' or 'Ticket Selling content into a 2 2 1/2 hour slot...
Please make it a Series, with a season per Book.. That would be perfection.....
End of Rant... Lol. Sorry, simply couldn't help myself.
Stories like these always make my heart skip a beat - repeatedly, for an hour or longer.
ReplyDeleteBy the time Hollywood gets around to making a movie out of OUTLANDER, I'll probably be "too old" to play Claire (heck, in "Hollywood time," I was already too old when I was exactly Claire's age!)...but my consolation prize will be playing 50+-year-old Claire in the regular TV series (which is a figment of my own eerily successful prognosticating imagination...:) ). My vision for Diana's saga - if I may be so bold - has always been that OUTLANDER would make an excellent miniseries, and the rest of the books would make a great 8 (or 9, or 10, or ???) regularly-running series, if not on network TV than with a cable network willing to roll the dice on these "weird" books and the incredible story they tell.
Congratulations on the #1 slot, DG and HN!
Cheers ~
Keri Russell could play Claire. And Allan Scott Douglass would work as Jamie. I would prefer like an HBO series or something like that rather than a movie. The books just have too much to put into a two hour movie.
ReplyDeleteKH - NO!!! Claire Forlani - YES! YES!
ReplyDeleteI just watched part of The Ugly Truth again after reading this post and the NYT article.
ReplyDeleteI admit she's had some bad movies. I admit she's not all that funny. I admit she's kind of stiff.
But for all that, I did catch several "Claire moments" as I watched The Ugly Truth. I think she could maybe do it.
maybe we should all take a breath and give her a chance...
Besides, what's the other option? Wait another 10 years for a movie? At least it sounds like she really cares about doing this one right.
I don't know very much about KH, but I don't think she has anything to play Claire.
ReplyDeleteThe only actress that seems to be right is Keira Knightly.
As per Alan playing Jaimie,PLEASE NOOO!!
He must be a nice guy, but if what I saw in the musical is any sample,there cannot be more distance betwent the two.He is to nice and soft
for the role
Your books are too good to be done in a bad movie. I'm sure that you will find the right people, don't rush!
Hi Diana,
ReplyDeleteI've just posted a comment and it came anonymous, my name is Dalma, but I don't know why I cannot get in on my account
Not a fan of KHeigl & I like the idea of casting unknowns, but am afraid that Hollywood needs an A or B-lister to carry this film. That said, I find that Emily Blunt could portray Claire beautifully! She's younger than Kate & Rachel, which I love, but I loved her in The Young Victoria. It was sooo good!! How can you not see her as Claire?!
ReplyDeleteI think it's funny that so many people are denigrating Katherine Heigl because she's blonde. Hair can be changed--I think it's more important what kind of presence an actor has. KH is feisty. She took a lot of flak for making feminist comments about "Knocked Up" and frankly, that seems pretty Claire-like to me. If she can get the accent right, I think she has the right kind of presence and strength to play a heroine like Claire. I would look forward to an Outlander movie starring KH.
ReplyDeleteI inwardly groaned when I read that Heigl may be Claire.
ReplyDeleteFor one, she's too tall and too thin (unless your talking starving Claire just before she returns to Frank). Jamie refers to her ample bottom, and Hiegl doesn't have one. Too doe eyed.
Heigl may be feisty but onscreen she's feisty in a really innocent way. She never comes across as being serious. The only scene where I felt she was serious was with Denny in Grey's Anatomy. This is the scene that gets me watching Heigl's other movies, but the depth she shows in the Denny scene never comes across in the movies and, therefore, leaves the movie lacking.
I can see her as a glaring, jealous Laoghaire (although wrong body type for older Laoghaire). Or possibly a glaring, devious Geillis. But not Claire. Please not Claire. Anyone else that has been mentioned (like those listed above) are better suited for Claire.
Maybe KH doesn’t have the right looks to play Claire. But let’s not forget that this is Hollywood we are talking about. They can turn her into Claire.
ReplyDeleteAs for her acting, I believe, the comments have been beyond hard. There is so much an actor can do with the scripts their agents hand out to them. I’m a screenwriter and script consultant. I also served as a judge for script contests for several years. It is appalling to see the scripts that get to the big screen. Lately, due to the low quality of the screenplays produced, good actors tend to look like novices. Like in any industry work is work. Actors have to work, even if it is with a bad script. But when they get a good script and director, they can finally show their skills.
I do have a suggestion for Claire though: Scarlett Johansson. She has the looks, in “The Other Boleyn Girl”, she showed her British accent, and she is a great actress.
Dear Diana
ReplyDeleteI saw you in DC a few weeks ago and had hoped to ask you a few questions, but as the line as I believe was almost 600 strong by the time I got to you it had become such a rush that there was no chance, so I was wondering as it the 20th anniversary is coming up are you going to feel sad or relieved when your story of Jamie and Claire comes to an end? Or will you continue with the next generation?
I have lived in the USA for almost 19 years and it has flown, does it feel like you just started on this journey?
I would love to know why every one is coming up with American actors, doesn't it make sense to hire a cast from England and Scotland. There is nothing worse than someone trying to do an accent that they are not born too, very few can pull it off. There are so many fabulous actors and actresses over there and I would assume for the most part, it will be filmed there.
I still have a great suggestion for LJG, Luke Webber is an up and coming actor who is presenting studying at "Mount View" in London whose Patron is Dame Judy Dench. He can not only act but has a fabulous fabulous singing voice. I hope that Ms. Gabaldon has a say with whom the studio picks for her characters, as I remember that Anne Rice was not so happy in the beginning with the pick of Tom Cruise for Lestat, although he proved to do a good job.
Thank you again for the beautiful story, we all hope you continue.
Yours sincerely
Michelle K
Dear Michelle--
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure that when Jamie and Claire are done, so is the series. Remains to be seen, though. Glad you've been enjoying it!
I'm all in favor of UK actors/actresses, but the choice is not mine. The film people occasionally ask my opinion out of politeness [g], but they aren't obliged to take it.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWhen I envision Jaime I see KEVIN McKIDD!!!!! He's got red hair, very tall, blue eyes and he's SCOTTISH!! And we've see him in film being a tough guy, so you know he can pull that part off. As well as the gentle man/father. Not to mention I think he is damn sexy!!!
ReplyDeleteClaire, I'm still not settled on an actress but Katherine Heigl was never in the running in my mind. Sorry :(
Laura Pulver is who I see for Claire.
Please not KH... don't like her, don't see her as Claire at all. She's already playing Stephanie Plum and I love that series of books too, I don't want her to ruin two of my visions of how my images of main charaters would be. If she's in it then you know the script is cut and dry and will probably be nothing like the book, not that a 2 or 3 hour movie could live up to the book but still, please not her. I imagine some british actress, maybe Kate Berkinsale, not sure of the spelling of her name but it's close. If they choose her then there's no hope.
If they ever do a movie, I only hope that they cast virtual unknowns in the parts. They need someone who can become Jamie and Claire because they haven't been anyone else. It worked with The Twilight stuff, and that's not nearly as well done as the Outlander books.
ReplyDeleteSilly me, went and posted my thoughts before reading any of the others. I whole heartly think a series on HBO or anyother channel for that matter is a wonderfull idea. That way the entire story could be told instead of cutting it up for a movie. Every part of the book is too important to have cut out.
I read an earlier post that you think the series will be done once Claire and Jamies story is told. I really hope it's not, I think you could branch off on any of the charaters and tell their stories like you are for LJG. I think I remember something being said about writting a story about Jamies folks, I could see you doing stories on the MacKenzie uncles, Fergus, Roger's step father, any of Jenny and Ian's children, Jamies Fraser uncles, and so on. There are a lot of places in the series where Fergus isn't mentioned but you know he's up to something, it's just how he is. Please don't stop with Jamie and Claire, their family they have created is part of ours too.
I think Kevin McKidd is a lovely man and a fine actor. He's also twenty years (at least) too old to play Jamie, just like most of the actors people suggest to me.
ReplyDeleteKind of the difficulty, isn't it? If a guy's been around long enough to be established and have people recognize and like him...he's too old to play a 22-year-old virgin, I'm sorry.
And if you _do_ have a young guy who could do that--he's almost certainly going to be someone with so little visibility that no one recognizes or (immediately) likes him.
But, you know, casting unknowns worked for Twilight ... and was cheaper. In Titanic, the leads weren't household names either. Outlander already has a massive following. If the movie (or miniseries) is marketed the right way it could be highly successful, too. Just, please, DO NOT cast Heigl. She's a deal breaker for a lot of people, including me. Just having her name attached to Outlander has stained something I love so much. It's so depressing.
ReplyDeleteCan please somebody enlighten me as to the which will be the story of "Outlander" the movie ? I mean, will it be the first book only ? For Jamie is in his early 20s only in the first two books.
ReplyDeleteI've seen an actor in a series about "Robinson Crusoe", Philippe Whincester his name -i think- he looks pretty much as a Jamie, yet he's not as intense as McKidd OR Gerard Butler would have been in earlier age.
Dear romantic (et al)--
ReplyDeleteWell, as I've been saying for years and years and years..._I_ don't have One Single Thing to say about who gets cast. I can express opinions and preferences, but it's not my money at stake, and it's not my call.
Fwiw, though...I think the book will remain unstained [g], no matter what happens--or doesn't--with any filmed versions of the story. The book will be what it's always been, and if you have a problem with a particular actor/actress or with the mere idea of a movie...well, you know...don't watch it. Simple!
Dear Diana,
ReplyDeleteIronically, I just saw Ms. Heigl in this movie called THE UGLY TRUTH. Looks wise, I also don't see her as Claire. But watching her play off Gerard Butler in said film helped convince me a bit that she may be able to play Claire. She and Gerard (a lot of people's pick for Jamie) had this nice chemistry in the movie.
It's so funny seeing all these comments! Guys, you are ALL going to be SO disappointed when the actual movie comes out, no matter who's in it. It just will not be remotely the same. The only truly decent book/movie adaptation I've ever seen was Atonement, but it's a different type of book with a different length. It's a waste of energy to worry that somebody is "so NOT Claire" when the movie will so NOT be Outlander.
ReplyDeleteI think casting her would be a huge mistake and would definately alienate a lot of of fans.
ReplyDeleteFor crap's sake, I wish KH would go away...
ReplyDeleteI've got an idea. How about those of you with such strong opinions about who should or should not be cast in the film put your money where your opinions are and produce the movie.
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous--
ReplyDeleteWell, you know what they say--talk is cheap. [g]
Talking about casting is just a form of entertainment--the readers have been doing it for _years_ (including making zillions of little "casting videos"--many of these are on my YouTube Channel--ranging from the sublime to the...er...well, I will say most of y'all sure have a different view of Jamie than _I_ do, but that's your privilege...)
Now that I've already posted, I'll add this link to contradict myself.
ReplyDeleteKatherine Heigl played this character in "Love Comes Softly." It's moving and sympathetic.
What bothers me about the casting conversation is that so many who are commenting are saying cruel things about a woman -- and a man, for that matter -- they don't even know.
ReplyDeleteHow about Kira Knightley (like the voluptuous Elizabeth Swan in Pirates of the Caribbean) as "Claire"? I picture "Jamie" as a young Tom Selleck type.....
ReplyDeleteIt would be lunacy to put anyone but a brunette English woman with hazel eyes as the leading lady. KH is the flavor of the month in Hollywood, so the rumors always circle the flavor of the month. I wouldn't fret about it. The Gerards and Kevins have the right accents but are way too old and a red dye job will not do. Truthfully, an open cast call and raiding every pub and college dorm in the UK might serve you better. I will personally volunteer to help you leave no stone unturned. Just doing my duty.
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous--
ReplyDeleteRight you are, and I applaud your finer feelings! Still, if you're an entertainer (or any other kind of public figure, for that matter), you do become an object, rather than a person, and to be thought of only as a function of what you _do_, rather than who you are.
The same thing happens to me on occasion--go read some of the reviews on Amazon.com as illustration (I don't read them myself, but am told there are a few at present accusing me outright of cheating and swindling the readers by presenting them with a graphic novel instead of the eighth novel they want)--but you learn not to take it personally.
People will say _awful_ things, because they're not viewing the person they're talking about as _being_ a person; he or she is just a vehicle for emotion, and thus an object. An object's feelings can't be hurt, after all.
That's one (of many) reasons why I maintain a fairly high personal presence, with website, blog, whatever--so y'all _will_ realize that I'm a person, and not just a name on the cover.
Not so easy for an actor to do that, though.
Hello Diana: I just want to say, I love everything you write, and will watch anything Outlandish. I also know not to expect miracles in a book to film adaptation - I would just be excited to see anyting like that happen. I do wish for an HBO or mini-series though. As far as KH as Claire - not sure - maybe. But I think Kate Winslet would be perfect. What I wanted to ask you is if you have ever seen Eddie Raymayne act? I am thinking of him as Jamie. He is from England, is 28 yrs old, lovely red hair, has a wide mouth, and angular facial bone structure. He played Jack in Ken Follett's Pillars of the Earth mini-series. BTW, I LOVED that book to film in mini-series! In the beginning of the series I did not really like his look, but he was only playing a kid at that time. By the end of the series, especially the last couple of episodes, I could really see the grown up Jamie. Just lovely. Mind you I might have to see more of him doing battle scenes to see the 'rough' Jamie. He could do the sweet Jamie very well I think!
Wow busy blog with opinions. Hope you don't mind another one.
ReplyDeleteAllan Scott-Douglas to me would make an excellent Jamie. In fact, he is the only one I have pictured that I would like to see as Jamie in a long time. I think he has a lovable presence that would have the women all swooning in no time. It's the presence that he gives off as well as what a professional director would coach him too. The only thing that was missing was a bit more of a "viking" type of body but that is nothing a gym won't fix! I love that he is relatively unknown in North America, Scottish, height perfect, natural red head and most importanly (to me) he has a passion for Outlander. He wouldn't just be some actor from Hollywood who would get a script, read it and go to work. Allan would be awesome!
As for Katherine, well not my first choice for sure because I was really hoping for a real English woman to play Claire. I know that professional actors/actresses can pull off accents/mannerisms but it usually feels wrong. I was furious when KH got Stephanie Plum, (another female book character I adore) and I'm going to hold my opinion until I see the movie. She was wrong on so many levels for me as Stephanie but if KH can win me over on that movie, I will support her for the Claire role. Afterall, KH is a professional actress who didn't get where she is today by not being good at her craft.
The only last thing I would comment on is that some huge profitable movies have done quite well with new actors/actresses playing lead roles. No one can convince me that a well known Hollywood name is required for the audience draw. Ben Kingsley won an Oscar for his first movie role in Gandhi! The Harry Potter cast, Twilight cast, lots of cast members from Lord of the Rings...well I could go on but I think I may have made a point.
Thank you for your thoughtful response Diana.
ReplyDeleteFor some time now I've been taken aback by the complete lack of civility on the web. I'm not a frequent poster (here or elsewhere), but am an avid reader who's been lurking for some time. I was going to post a call for civility on an earlier brouhaha that I'm sure you remember erupting in your comments section, but that would have just been lost in the kerfuffle.
I realize it will seem to be just so much windmill tilting, but thought I'd try to do my part to tone down the rhetoric, if only in this tiny corner of the web.
Allow me to introduce myself,
Hi, Sherri!
ReplyDeleteHappy to meet you. [smile]
In re civility on the web, what comes to mind is the admonition, "All that is necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing."
Hang in there!
Dear Michelle--
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Allan will be delighted to hear this! (It's his birthday today, so I passed on your kind remarks as a gift. [g])
Perfectly true, what you say about unknown actors. The thing is, you (a production company) can do unknowns IF they have the money to mount the production by themselves. If not, and they're having to round up financing from outside entities, it's much easier for them to do that if they have a "bankable" star attached to the project. Or so I gather; my general ignorance of film production is profound.
I've been following this and I have to say that its amusing to see how many insist Claire should be played by an English actress when she is in fact an English character in a Scottish/French/English/Carribean/American (did I forget any?) saga that was written by - forgive me if I'm wrong about you - an American author.
ReplyDeleteI've thought about what I love about Jamie & Claire. Of course Jamie's a studly hunk and Claire's our heroine, but those are a dime a dozen. The way you bring their hearts to life is what makes them beloved and enduring. Like one of your commenters said, Hollywood can dye hair and trainers can buff bods. I don't know what I'm saying really, other than talent + heart can go a long way, and my best wishes to you & the others who are working to entertain the rest of us (-;
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePlease NO anyone but her. I will be heartbroken if she's cast.
ReplyDeleteHuge fan by the way and my first time posting. I don't know how many times I've passed my Outlander copy to my friends, it's all worn out. They're all converts now and really looking forward to more books :)
I don't really know who this bird is so I'm not going to even worry.
ReplyDeleteI so wish HBO would make an Outlander show about the books, and split each book into a season...like they did with True Blood :) It seems the only way to truly do these books justice. And look how hugely successful turning a book series into an HBO series has been... :)
Kevin McKidd is who I see as Jamie too. Older Jamie, though. Since most of the books have older Jamie in them, it works for me. When I read Outlander or DIA, I just imagine some red headed guy. I don't think McKidd falls into the skinny (lankey?) category that I _think_ (I could be misremembering though) Herself has said Jamie looks like. But, like I said, works for me.
ReplyDeleteOne drawback of making a book into a TV show... many of the TV shows completely stray from the books. Legend of the Seeker is a great example of how The Powers That Be over a TV show can destroy the storyline.
Many movies do this too, though. At the end of a book turned movie, I frequently find myself yelling at the screen, "But they left out the best/most important part!!!"
No, I think Claire should be someone out of the u.s. from England. It has to feel real, and K H just doesn't , to me, have the taste level for such a passionate role. And the Jamie will be the hardest part. I would be picky with that one.
ReplyDeleteAnd a HBO series does seem more realistic and practical. Though a movie could spawn from it later. The only thing is, is if it is HBO there will most likely be a explicit sex in it, which, in my opinion would detract from the story. I always find those scenes to be trashy.
It could be a six part 2 hour long hbo series. That would be good...
ReplyDeleteKH would not make a good Claire, for many of the reasons listed above. However, a couple of my friends and I have a suggestion...
ReplyDeleteHenry Cavill = young Jamie?
(google image him and pretend he's a redhead)
OH, and I also like Kate Winslet as Claire.
ReplyDeleteIf I had my druthers - we'd see a wonderful BBC or HBO series on Outlander - how could you do the epics justice in any other manner? BUT if Hollywood is going to get their hands on the project, I would love to see Maggie Gyllenhal in the role. Just saw her in Nanny McPhee today and - she's Claire to a tee. First time I've felt that with any known actresses.
ReplyDeleteDiana? What thinks you?
Nancy in PDX
@Anonymous- I thought the same thing when I saw Nanny McPhee! And certainly there must be a spot for Ewan McGregor somewhere in our pretend casting... (-;
ReplyDeleteI just saw KH in "Life As We Know It." She was good!I don't understand why she is getting a beat up in this blog.
ReplyDeleteDear Sandra--
ReplyDeleteWell, not from me, I assure you. But I do reiterate that I haven't a thing to say about casting--though if asked, I'll certainly tell the film folk what I think at that point.
As for what I _do_ think [g], Maggie G's a fine actress, but she doesn't remind me of Claire at all. And while Kevin McKidd is likewise a lovely Scotsman, he's twenty years too old to play Jamie, so why keep suggesting him?
Dear Diana,
ReplyDeleteI love your comments about this whole movie matter, I agree SO MUCH about the whole Kevin McKidd thing and all the other stuff you said. Actually I'm glad that you said that McKidd IS TOO OLD. I'm so annoyed that people keep suggesting him ;) It's almost as if they want to see Kevin on screen and not Jamie.
About the Heigl thing I've got to say that at least physically she could do it, I think. Of course she doesn't look anything like Claire in her real life, but that's why she is an actress: actors are paid to pretend to be somebody else - therefore we can expect that the film people would make her look like Claire if she ever played the role.
I've only seen Heigl in comedy and Greys anatomy until now and I have no idea how she handles drama and that kind of stuff. But people continue to surprise you: If she should play Claire, I would definately give her a chance.
Concerning Jamie: I think that Chris Hemsworth is (my) Jamie to the bone ;)
This seems to be a rather decent scene of KH. No romantic comdey but yelling and drama.
Just for the record: I'd prefer an all English Actress for the role (Kate Winslet, Emmy Blunt, Keira Knightley) but KH wouldn't be the worst choice.
It would be a lovely idea to split the novels into hbo series. And I think this Allan Douglas fellow would probably do just fine, just because he isn't famous now doesn't mean he can't do the job, I think he has captured Jamie's spirit, I really do. I follow him on twitter and he seems like a really cool guy. As for Claire, I don't know, I think finding the right Jamie is more important, and Allan is it...
ReplyDelete@ Diana,
ReplyDeleteSee Nanny McPhee (or at least a clip online) and tell me if you couldn't be persuaded to reconsider Maggie G.
I love the control we all can feel via this blog - maybe some studio execs are reading.
for the record: I'll be MOST excited if they go with two people we haven't heard of previously and commit to a series / miniseries.
Nancy in PDX
I'm new to the Outlander series and I absolutely love them. Read all 7 books and the Outlandish Companion in the past month and can't wait for the 8th book.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the NOs to Katherine Heigl as Claire. She's too...bubblegum. Kate Winslet or Rachel Weiz would be much better choices. And definitely Kevin McKidd as Jamie. He's got a look about him....fierce and strong, but gentle at the same time.
Kevin McKidd would be perfect...he's Scottish, left handed, broke a bone in his right hand doing his own stunts, only 6 ft, but they can always make people taller in Hollywood; once worked in a whiskey distillery. He does love to sing and play the guitar...not really a Jamie trait, but he's still perfect for the part!
ReplyDeleteThat Chris Hemsworth with long red hair DOES remind me of Jamie. Perfect age I think too.
ReplyDeleteKevin Mckidd?? Are these people serious?! No and No again come on people...
ReplyDeleteI agree with the people who mentioned Chris Hemsworth.
We should also keep in mind it's the STORY that we love, and should be glad if this hits the t.v or movies screen period.
ReplyDeleteEven though I presented an opinion earlier on who could play Claire, I think the plain truth is: we all have our own visions in our head of how we have interpreted Diana's descriptions. Personally, I think the graphic novel depictions are *nothing* like what's in my head, but they were drawn by someone not me.
ReplyDeleteAs long as the story is truly told, and the acting makes me forget they are actors, it's all gold.
Although I too would love to see a cable series... :)
I've thought for years that Keira Knightley had the poise and cheek to do Claire justice. Now, if she could be talked into a dozen Krispy Kreams a day for a few weeks, she'd have the look of Claire, too. No disrespect to Katherine Heigl, but that would be very unfortunate casting.
ReplyDeleteChris Hemsworth would be PERFECT. He is physically how I imagined Jamie to look (just add red hair). He would be a terrific choice!
ReplyDeleteI'm on the fence about K. Heigl but only because she is so well known for other things. Regardless, a movie would be fabulous.
Chris Hemsworth would be an amazing choice for Jamie. I guess that he could satisfy most of the Jamie-Fans (at least that's what I think). The responses for Chris=Jamie are 99% positive and overwhelmed.
ReplyDeleteDear Lisa, et al--
ReplyDeleteFaaaar be it from me to get engaged in endless (and as someone pointed out above) film-casting discussions. [g]
I know y'all enjoy it, and more power to you. But in all honesty, most of the things people suggest do make me roll my eyes. [g] Still, everyone's entitled to his or her notion of what the characters in _any_ book look like. (Bear in mind that that does include _me_, though. [g])
P.S. Mr. Hemsworth is, if I'm not mistaken, Australian, not Scottish. And he doesn't have slanted eyes, he has squinty ones.
ReplyDelete(I seem to have omitted the word "pointless" in the parenthetical statement above.)
PLEASE REMEMBER LADIES: Jamie is 24 yrs old and Claire is approx. 28 yrs. old.
ReplyDeleteKeep it in mind b/c the actors you mention are too old. THINK YOUNG!!!!!
Dear Eileen--
ReplyDeleteThank you. [g] Though in fact, Jamie's 22/23 in OUTLANDER, and Claire 27.
I always see Kate Winslet as Claire in my head when I read the books. She just seems to fit looks and attitude-wise. As for most other characters, they're hybrids of many actors....for Jamie, a little Gabriel Aubrey, and Gerald (but that's mostly the attitude/sense of humor than looks). I think a lot of people are right in thinking that the best bet is casting more unknown actors b/c then there aren't any preconceived notions about them, and they can really be Jamie/Claire, etc. And I also think a mini-series, like True Blood would be an awesome format for these books. Then so much wouldn't have to be cut out!! Anyway it goes, I'll be in line for my ticket, love it or hate it, I'll see it! Thanks again for sharing your amazing story with us all!!
ReplyDeleteSince the first 3 books span over 20 years and are full of flash backs, I have always felt that there should be two pairs of Jamie and Claire (one young and one older). They will probably make more than one movie...right?
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous--
ReplyDeleteWell, if the first movie is successful, then yes. [g]
Is it true there is an official script writer? If so, this is good news. I'm not going to worry myself over who gets what part in the movie. It will be lovely whoever gets the part of Jamie and Claire.
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous--
ReplyDeleteYes, it's official; VARIETY announced it a couple of days ago--Ann Peacock is the scriptwriter.
I will be at the midnight premiere of any Outlander movie, and collecting movie posters :). I am just super nervous, because I know the scriptwriters will botch the story. Condensing "The Books" is not a task I envy, especially because in their current state they are quite near perfection.
Katherine Heigl no please!!!!... if a film will actually be done, you could choose another actress as J. K. Rowling chose for Harry Potter :D after all you "have the power"!
ReplyDeleteis very difficult to pick an actress for that role but sometimes I think of Rachel Weiz
I'm sure Katherine Heigl is a delightful person but she does not have the skill or talent as an actress to play Claire. I think Michelle Dockery would be an excellent choice for Claire.