Oookay. For those of you who've already read THE EXILE several times (and _thank_ you, btw! The editor tells me that the book is still hovering around the top of the NYT list--at #2 next week--and we're still beating the author of Captain Underpants, which gratifies me deeply), and are beginning to write me, wanting to know When Is The Next Book Coming Out....
Well, not immediately. It does take me 2-3 years to write one of the big OUTLANDER novels, and about a year to write a Lord John novel (and I do work on more than one project at once; keeps me from having writer's block, and makes me much more productive. So I've been working on both Book Eight _and_ LORD JOHN AND THE SCOTTISH PRISONER). It'll be a little while.
However, I do have a suggestion to offer. A new anthology titled SONGS OF LOVE AND DEATH (edited by George R.R. Martin and Gardner Dozois) is coming out on November 16th (i.e., in a little over two weeks). This includes a story of mine titled "A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows." It's a little unusual, in that it's about Roger MacKenzie's parents--but it does fill the interesting hole regarding Roger's father that I opened up in AN ECHO IN THE BONE.
Here's a brief sample:
It was two weeks yet to Hallowe'en, but the gremlins were already at work.
Jerry MacKenzie turned Dolly II onto the runway--full-throttle, shoulder-hunched, blood-thumping, already halfway up Green leader’s arse--pulled back on the stick and got a choking shudder instead of the giddy lift of takeoff. Alarmed, he eased back, but before he could try again, there was a bang that made him jerk by reflex, smacking his head against the perspex. It hadn’t been a bullet, though; the off tire had blown, and a sickening tilt looped them off the runway, bumping and jolting into the grass.
There was a strong smell of petrol, and Jerry popped the Spitfire's hood and hopped out in panic, envisioning imminent incineration, just as the last plane of Green flight roared past him and took wing, its engine fading to a buzz within seconds.
A mechanic was pelting down from the hangar to see what the trouble was, but Jerry'd already opened Dolly's belly and the trouble was plain: the fuel line was punctured. Well, thank Christ he hadn’t got into the air with it, that was one thing, but he grabbed the line to see how bad the puncture was, and it came apart in his hands and soaked his sleeve nearly to the shoulder with high-test petrol. Good job the mechanic hadn’t come loping up with a lit cigarette in his mouth.
He rolled out from under the plane, sneezing, and Gregory the mechanic stepped over him.
“Not flying her today, mate,” Greg said, squatting down to look up into the engine, and shaking his head at what he saw.
“Aye, tell me something I don’t know." He held his soaked sleeve gingerly away from his body. "How long to fix her?”
Greg shrugged, eyes squinted against the cold wind as he surveyed Dolly’s guts.
“Half an hour for the tire. You'll maybe have her back up tomorrow, if the fuel line’s the only engine trouble. Anything else we should be looking at?”
“Aye, the left wing-gun trigger sticks sometimes. Gie’ us a bit o’ grease, maybe?”
“I’ll see what the canteen’s got in the way of leftover dripping. You best hit the showers, Mac. You’re turning blue.”
He was shivering, right enough, the rapidly evaporating petrol wicking his body heat away like candlesmoke. Still, he lingered for a moment, watching as the mechanic poked and prodded, whistling through his teeth.
“Go on, then,” Greg said in feigned exasperation, backing out of the engine and seeing Jerry still there. “I’ll take good care of her.”
“Aye, I know. I just—aye, thanks.” Adrenaline from the aborted flight was still surging through him, thwarted reflexes making him twitch. He walked away, suppressing the urge to look back over his shoulder at his wounded plane.
Jerry came out of the pilots’ WC half an hour later, eyes stinging with soap and petrol, backbone knotted. Half his mind was on Dolly, the other half with his mates. Blue and Green were up this morning, Red and Yellow resting. Green flight would be out over Flamborough Head by now, hunting.
He swallowed, still restless, dry-mouthed by proxy, and went to fetch a cup of tea from the canteen. That was a mistake; he heard the gremlins laughing as soon as he walked in and saw Sailor Malan.
Malan was Group Captain and a decent bloke overall. South African, a great tactician—and the most ferocious, most persistent air fighter Jerry'd seen yet. Rat terriers weren't in it. Which was why he felt a beetle skitter briefly down his spine when Malan's deep-set eyes fixed on him.
"Lieutenant!" Malan rose from his seat, smiling. "The very man I had in mind!"
The devil he had, Jerry thought, arranging his face into a look of respectful expectancy. Malan couldn’t have heard about Dolly’s spot of bother yet, and without that, Jerry would have scrambled with A flight on their way to hunt 109’s over Flamborough Head. Malan hadn’t been looking for Jerry; he just thought he’d do, for whatever job was up. And the fact that the Group Captain had called him by his rank, rather than his name, meant it probably wasn’t a job anyone would volunteer for.
He didn’t have time to worry about what that might be, though; Malan was introducing the other man, a tallish chap in army uniform with dark hair and a pleasant, if sharp, look about him. Eyes like a good sheep dog, he thought, nodding in reply to Captain Randall’s greeting. Kindly, maybe, but he won’t miss much.
“Randall’s come over from Ops at Ealing,” Sailor was saying over his shoulder. He hadn’t waited for them to exchange polite chat, but was already leading them out across the tarmac, heading for the Flight Command offices. Jerry grimaced and followed, casting a longing glance downfield at Dolly, who was being towed ignominiously into the hangar. The rag-doll painted on her nose was blurred, the black curls partially dissolved by weather and spilled petrol. Well, he’d touch it up later, when he’d heard the details of whatever horrible job the stranger had brought.
His gaze rested resentfully on Randall’s neck, and the man turned suddenly, glancing back over his shoulder as though he’d felt the stress of Jerry’s regard. Jerry felt a qualm in the pit of his stomach, as half-recognized observations—the lack of insignia on the uniform, that air of confidence peculiar to men who kept secrets--gelled with the look in the stranger’s eye.
Ops at Ealing, my Aunt Fanny, he thought. He wasn’t even surprised, as Sailor waved Randall through the door, to hear the Group Captain lean close and murmur in his ear, “Careful—he’s a funny bugger.”
Jerry nodded, stomach tightening. Malan didn’t mean Captain Randall was either humorous or a Freemason. “Funny bugger” in this context meant only one thing. MI6.
[end section]
Ooooo...A halloween tease! Thanks DG
ReplyDeleteargh! I STILL haven't managed to find a copy of WARRIORS with another short story by you in it! Who know if/when I'll find a copy of this one to read!
ReplyDeleteJen in Oz
That's a perfect bit of unease for Hallowe'en. Thanks, Diana. ; )
ReplyDeleteDear Diane
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to any thing that you write. Just to let Jenerator know you can order both books on Amazon.
Almost finished reading the Outlander series for the 2nd time, as I read it so fast the first that I actually forgot a lot. Have now got my friends reading t in Spain, I have read a lot but these are the most beautifully written books that I think it will be easy to reread every few years.
For those having trouble in England purchasing any of the books you can get them all through Amazon as my sister did.
Look forward to book 8
Michelle K
Love it! Have preordered it on my Kindle, and now I'm counting the days... As with "Warriors" I also look forward to finding some other great stories in the same volume!
ReplyDeleteDiana, I have finished the new Connie Willis book, and now am enjoying Bill Bryson's "At Home: A Short History of Private Life", which I highly recommend!
Thanks again for this excerpt! Enjoy yourself in New Mexico!
Susan H.
Poor Captain Underpants...he's probably wetting them.
ReplyDeleteWhenever I see the word perspex I'm reminded of the sweetheart pins that sometimes surface on eBay. All kinds of trench art was crafted from bits and pieces, but perspex jewelry was particularly prized. Pilots (like my uncles in the RAF) made jewelry out of small pieces of shattered windshields from downed planes, and after engraving them with birds and hearts etc., gave them to their sweethearts back home as keepsakes.
And my carpenter Noel (still going strong at age 87) flew Spitfires in the war and said as a rite of passage, new pilots flew their Spitfires UNDER the Firth of Forth bridge. Highly illegal and dangerous but Spitfire pilots weren't exactly known for being law-abiding or timid.(g)
Dear Pam--
ReplyDeleteIndeed they weren't. [g] I think you'll like Jerry MacKenzie.
oooooh! Now if this Captain Randall is who I think he is...what an intriguing pairing! I have lots and lots of questions about Captn. Randall. Glad to see he's cropped up again.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on - and thank you for - yet another release! Can't wait!
Dear adventures--
ReplyDeleteThat's Frank Randall, yes. If that's who you thought it was. [g]
I have the book pre-ordered and wait anxiously. Now I'm intrigued by the addition of Frank Randall, please tell me that he isn't the one sending Jerry over a ley line vortice...although we already know he is snatched away, never to return.
ReplyDeleteLoved the excerpt from 'The Scottish Prisoner" BTW. Can't wait for that one either... Thanks Diana, I'm happy you're writing again.
Dear ML--
ReplyDeleteBelieve me, _I'm_ happy to be writing again! Thrilled, in fact. [g]
Thoroughly enjoying all the excerpts you've been posting. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteMissing the Outlander world during my reading. Not that I haven't enjoyed what I've been reading - just well, you know, miss those characters you've created.
Happy writing! :)
I'd be willing to wager it fills the "interesting hole" with the dirt from another one you dug.
ReplyDeleteDear Frankie--
ReplyDeleteOh, you're good! [g]
Very interesting! The suspense is doing my head in.
ReplyDeleteI so look forward to the next installment.
Michelle K
ReplyDeleteAre any of the other characters from your Outlander novels, other than Lord John Grey, been in any other of your short stories? I am aware of this book that you just gave us a clip from and I know you have also wrote about Michael Murray so I'm curious if there are others out there or will be out there?
Thank you,
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHi I was wondering if you will be making a novella with all of your short stories in them? I can't seem to find copies anywhere!!
ReplyDeleteAlso what is this Warriors book that was mentioned above? Never heard of that one!! Love your books!!!
I just finished reading this excerpt and the excerpt from The Scottish Prisoner. I can't wait for more. Both are so intriguing. I love the way you keep bringing these people together. Thanks for sharing and keep writing. I am anxiously awaiting the next installment.
Three of the Lord John novellas have been published in a single volume: LORD JOHN AND THE HAND OF DEVILS. This includes "Lord John and the Hellfire Club," "Lord John and the Succubus," and "Lord John and the Haunted Soldier" (published _only_ in this book).
ReplyDeleteA novella titled "The Custom of the Army" was published in an anthology titled WARRIORS, which came out this past March.
"Leaf," as noted above, will come out in an anthology titled SONGS OF LOVE AND DEATH, to be released in about two weeks.
And "Lord John and the Plague of Zombies" comes out sometime next year, in an anthology titled DOWN THESE STRANGE STREETS.
In the fullness of time, I'll doubtless make a second collection of Lord John novellas (possibly writing a third novella for that book alone), but the anthology contracts specify that I won't reprint the novellas until two years after the original pub dates.
Awesome sample! Can't wait to read the rest! Perfect to get one in the Halloween mood. By the way, I am a huge fan! :)
ReplyDeleteDear Romance Novels--
ReplyDeleteThanks! Hope you'll enjoy this one.
Diana - You are such a tease...this story was both fulfilling and left me wanting more! Thank you for this wonderful short story and for The Exile. Are you contemplating any more graphic novels about Jamie and Claire?
ReplyDeleteThanks again!
Vicki in Columbus, OH
Just bought the book can't wait to get into it.
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